Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and other Third Reich leaders worked relentlessly
to rid Nazi Germany of the poison of Judeo/Christianity. Most of the top Nazi
leaders were educated in the occult and knew the truth. This can readily be seen
from the numerous occult and Satanic symbols, such as the swastika, the red,
black, and white colors, and the death's head, seen nearly everywhere in Nazi

The Jews know all too well that The Third Reich was spiritually aware, and onto
the Jewish hoax of Christianity. Christianity is the root of Jewish power.
Christianity is the Jewish bulwark. For centuries, the Jews have deluded Gentiles
into believing that Christians and Jews are against each other, that the Jewish
people murdered "Jesus the Christ" [which is a fictitious Jewish archetype], but
this is not true, nor has it ever been true. This is why the Jews have worked so
hard to infest post WWII NS and affiliated organizations, such as former 'Aryan
Nations' with Christianity, Christian "morals," and such. True National Socialism
does not conform to Judeo/Christian "morals." True National Socialism has its
roots in Paganism, which is another word for Gentile.

Supporters of Martin Luther who claimed to be against the Jews would be
surprised to learn that there are strong indications that Luther was secretly
working in collusion with the Catholic Church in order to diffuse its centralized
power. There will be a full article forthcoming regarding this soon, along with

Nearly everything of the material has its beginnings in the mind. Your car, your
PC, electricity, books, buildings-THE IDEA CAME FIRST!! Christianity plants a
powerful psychic seed and connection for psychic control, which eventually leads
to, and has bled over into total control on all levels.

The Judeo/Christian Bible and YES, especially the New Testament has written
on nearly ever page either the word JEW, JEWS, and/or ISRAEL [which are
written of and highly exalted in every way]. The fictitious Jesus is the epitome of
Jewishness. No Christian can even use scriptures to argue Jesus is not a Jew.
This Jewish invented archetype is Jewish from birth to death!
"Satan" means "ENEMY" in Hebrew. Satan is and always was the True God
of the Gentiles. "Yaweh" YHVH" "Jehova" and related names are in truth, the
Jewish people. Christians who claim to be Nazis are not only a malignancy within
the organizations, but they are tied into a powerful psychic vortex of worshipping
Jewish masters.

The enemy works through them. This can readily be seen with
many working for disunity and infighting, using the vehicle of Christian religion as
a tool.

There is no greater threat to the Jewish enemy than that of Satanism. Jews and
their gentile lackeys have worked for centuries to keep us gentiles from our gods
using mass murder, genocide, and forced indoctrination, use of the media,
Hollywood, and much, much more.

Below is further proof of Adolf Hitler's spiritual beliefs. Truth be known, many of
the Top Leaders of the Third Reich were Satanists. They knew the truth.
Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Magic: History, Theory and Practice Originally published in Germany in 1923 by Dr. Ernst Schertel, Magie:

Geschichte, Theorie,Praxis, in its original German edition, was a hardcover book
consisting of 154 pages. Schertel identifies heavily with the "demonic" in Magic, espousing the belief that"communion with the demon" is the most important aspect of magical/religious practice.

In 2003 it was revealed that Schertel had sent a dedicated copy of the book to
Adolf Hitler. Hitler read the book and marked several passages. A total of sixty-
six annotations were made by Hitler in his copy. Eventually the Hitler copy was
obtained from the John Hay Library at Brown University and the book was
translated into English with his annotations added.

Magic: History, Theory and Practice From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Some of the passages marked by Hitler include:

"Our body represents an accumulation of potential and kinetic world energies and
ranges on the way from the line of our ancestors, to the animal, plant, and crystal
down to the beginning of all things."

"...Through our bodies flood the energies of the universe, out of the
infinite into the infinite. What we call our `soul' is the sum of all world
 energies, all pasts of the world and states of the world..."

"That we, who are living today, do not really know how to deal with the `sensory
world,' that it appears to be empty, dull, even oftentimes annoying, that we
perceive our body as a `prison' of our `soul,' that we are consequently at best
capable for mystique, and only in the rarest cases capable of magic, is because
of the extinguishing of the ability of which all the late times are lacking, and which
consists in experiencing the `outer world' as an incarnation of `spiritual' contents.
But only he is a magician who is able to inspire things and solidify the soul.
"We call the central focus of the cosmic forces in us our ` god' or our `demon.' It
describes the punctual projection of the whole dynamic of the universe with all of

its abysmal infiniteness in our self, it signifies the deepest sense, the first being
and the highest value, created in the center of our consciousness out of the
senseless, being-less and value-less chaos of para cosmic forces."

"Every demon- magical world is centered towards the great individuals, from
whom basic creative conceptions spring. Every magician is surrounded by a
force field of para-cosmic energies, and as already indicated he acts to the
highest degree `ektropically' upon the cosmic dynamic. The individuals which are
infected by him form a `community of his `people' (Volk) and create a complex of
life of a certain imaginative framework which is called `culture.' From that
moment on, when these imaginative-magical forces of cohesion run dry, the
result is a deteriorating people (Volk) and with them, their culture."

"Satan' is the creative, value-setting and value-increasing principle...
Satan is the fertilizing, destroying/constructing warrior

"He who does not have the demonic seed within himself will never give birth to a
 magical world." "The mass of today lives only materially, but not with the body,
it feels only intellectually but not with the soul." "Only the magician is therefore
able to also learn something from historical symbols, only he is able to interpret
life forms which have faded away."

"Satan is the beginning...
Satan is in everything that lives and appears, he acts in the last
tenderest beam of light of the last star...

" "All reality is only Phantoms...
Our demon is struggling, and he is struggling in pain and hardship. We must
suffer with him to share victory with him."