Our Gentile Satanic/Pagan Sun wheel was stolen and is at the center of the
For more information,see the article "Murderers Thieves and Liars: Christianity
has Nothing of Its Own." http://www.exposingchristianity.com/
With the arrival of Christianity, Pagan temples, libraries, and important religious
With the arrival of Christianity, Pagan temples, libraries, and important religious
centers were destroyed and razed to the ground. These structures were built
upon powerful ley lines to align with the powers of the earth. Christian churches
were then built over the destroyed Pagan temples and places of learning.
Anything of Gentile origins was cursed and condemned as "evil." This step
ensured that psychic energy could then be harnessed and directed toward the
worship of the Jews to enforce a plethora of lies.
The Eve of Beltane, aka "Walpurgisnacht" "The Feast of Valbörg" the Feast of
Beltane, and May Day is an ancient and important Gentile/Pagan ["Gentile" is a
word meaning "Pagan"] holiday. The feast is in honor of the Gentile God Baal,
also known as Beelzebub.Beltane/May Day now has been replaced with
"Easter." instead of our original Gods and customs, a Jewish invented Nazarene is the focus of slavish worship and psychic energy. May 1st has also been replaced a step further with a major day of celebration for Jewish communism.
"Easter." instead of our original Gods and customs, a Jewish invented Nazarene is the focus of slavish worship and psychic energy. May 1st has also been replaced a step further with a major day of celebration for Jewish communism.
"Easter " was stolen from Astaroth, and was originally known as "Ashtar." This
holiday coincides with the Vernal Equinox of spring when day and night are of
equal length. Known as "Eastre" to the Anglo-Saxons, as the Goddess of
fertility, she was associated with rabbits and eggs. Other names include Eastre, Eos, Eostre, Ester, Estrus [Estrus is when an animal goes into heat; mating season], Oestrus, Oistros, and Ostara. Again, the "Lamb of God" was stolen
from the Zodiac sign of Aries the Ram, which occurs every spring.
fertility, she was associated with rabbits and eggs. Other names include Eastre, Eos, Eostre, Ester, Estrus [Estrus is when an animal goes into heat; mating season], Oestrus, Oistros, and Ostara. Again, the "Lamb of God" was stolen
from the Zodiac sign of Aries the Ram, which occurs every spring.
All of the above has been stolen and corrupted into focusing upon and
worshipping a fictitious Jew, which creates a powerful psychic link:
Pagan summer solstice: stolen and replaced with "St. John's day" in honor of
"St. John the Baptist," another Jewish invented character stolen from a Hindu
"St. John the Baptist," another Jewish invented character stolen from a Hindu
alchemical concept, for Gentiles to slavishly worship and focus psychic energies
Lammas Day/Lughnasadh replaced with "assumption day" again- focus upon
the fictitious Jewish Virgin Mary, for gentiles to slavishly honor and focus
psychic energy into reinforcing a lie.
the fictitious Jewish Virgin Mary, for gentiles to slavishly honor and focus
psychic energy into reinforcing a lie.
Halloween/Samhain was replaced with "All Saints Day." The Gentile Yule
season and winter solstice has been replaced with "Christmas."
season and winter solstice has been replaced with "Christmas."
this is the ultimate blasphemy!! Again, total focus upon the Jewish invented
Nazarene and his phony birth, phony Jewish parents, and phony everything
This shit is drummed into the minds of gentiles all over the world, creating a
massive psychic vortex of energy that promotes a monstrous lie and insidiously
destroys our cultural heritage and memory. The entire Yule Season has been
infested with Nazarene emphasis, from "Advent" to the circumcision of the
Jewish Nazarene on the 8th day in the synagogue by a rabbi.
Imbolc was replaced with "Ash Wednesday" which was stolen from an ancient
Hindu rite of applying ashes upon the spot of the third eye in the middle of the
forehead. Christian fundamentalists have been wor king overtime to eradicate
all traces of Pagan origins of these holidays to reinforce and keep the lie of Christianity going strong. As I have stated repeatedly, history has been and is being rewritten.
all traces of Pagan origins of these holidays to reinforce and keep the lie of Christianity going strong. As I have stated repeatedly, history has been and is being rewritten.
Truth is replaced with lies that promote Jewish supremacy and their agenda of a
new world order where they will be "God." Rebellion, associated with Satan is
intensely discouraged, in order to establish this new Jewish world order where
all Gentiles will bar - coded and be slaves.
all Gentiles will bar - coded and be slaves.
In addition, Gentile/Pagan culture is being relentlessly attacked subliminally in
movies - Jewish Hollywood (I will soon have a very detailed and full article on
this with plenty of examples) and by having Gentiles through being deluded and
this with plenty of examples) and by having Gentiles through being deluded and
indoctrinated and in many cases FORCED to curse and condemn our own
people and praise the Jews. The Jews have had a history of fooling Gentiles
into doing their dirty work for them and damning ourselves. A blatant example is the current war in Iraq, which is being fought for Israel, by nearly all Gentiles, as only four Jewish soldiers were reported to have died in the war.
into doing their dirty work for them and damning ourselves. A blatant example is the current war in Iraq, which is being fought for Israel, by nearly all Gentiles, as only four Jewish soldiers were reported to have died in the war.
Robotic songs and prayers in the Christian Churches, along with the trillions of
dollars raked in through tithing and such condemn us Gentiles!!! Gentiles sing
and pray for their own damnation. It is stated in the Talmud that Gentiles "shit
before their god." Satan is God!!!!!!
"We shall destroy God" – The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
This past Halloween, I noted in a Halloween store, the supply of extremely
hideous masks of the Devil, portraying our Creator God Satan. Halloween is my
favorite holiday with dressing up, partying, and such, but what has been to our
Creator God is another matter. It is not only a major insult to our Creator God, but
a huge slap in the face for all Gentiles.
The Easter Bunny, which predates Christianity has been attacked relentlessly
by fundamentalist Christians, along with Santa Claus, aka known as "Nick"
by fundamentalist Christians, along with Santa Claus, aka known as "Nick"
"Nicholas" and is an anagram of "SATAN" - the red, the white and the black-
"Nick" is another name for Satan as well.
The Jews use deluded Christians to do their dirty work for them and they laugh
at their stupidity. They, themselves know the nazarene isn't real and was only
at their stupidity. They, themselves know the nazarene isn't real and was only
invented and relentlessly pushed to enslave the Gentiles and create a massive
vortex of Gentile psychic energy into bringing their "Messiah" into reality.