I recently went on vacation to the west coast. When visiting Chinatown, an elderly Chinese woman approached my mother and me on the street corner with
some newspapers. The newspapers contained accounts of mass murder, torture
and other heinous crimes against humanity committed and ongoing by the
Chinese communists. I informed her that myself and others were aware and were
working against this monster. She bowed to me and hugged my mother.
Upon reading the paper, the theme was of how the communists are persecuting
practitioners of Falun Gong.
Falun Gong is somewhat like Chi Kung. Practice of Falun Gong, like Tai Chi and
the internal martial arts transforms the soul and amplifies the chi/witchpower,
which is a threat to Jewish control. Unbeknownst to most people, Christianity is a
preparation for and a stepping off point to communism. Many are deluded as to
the root of communism, which is the International Jew. Normally, there are the
Gentile front men and the controlling and advising Jews working behind the
scenes who have full control.
People are deluded and blame the Russians, the Chinese and others who have
been victims of this program, but the root is the Jews who believe they are
entitled to be "God." In truth, YHVH is the Jewish people. Few understand how
this all works as the Jews who are behind this are highly intelligent and masters
at lying and deception. Most people here know about and work with energy and
magick [the occult.) Remove all of this knowledge, as the Jews have done, via
their tool of Christianity and the masses are helpless against it. Curses thrown,
workings for incredible wealth and such face no confrontation or competition.
With the removal of all spiritual knowledge, the Gentiles are disarmed and at the
mercy of the ruling Jews. The sad fact is many have been paying out the ass both spiritually and financially for their own damnation via the odious program of
Quote from the Talmud:
Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: "Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that
the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an
animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night."
Like communism, where the leaders such as the late Chairman Mao Tse-Tung,
Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin and others become idols to worship-enforced
worship; the Judeo/Christian Bible has stolen the spiritual concepts and the
identities of Gentile Gods and replaced them with imposter Jewish characters for
Gentiles to slavishly worship, this is no different from the program of communism,
which has its foundation and basis in the Nazarene's "Sermon on the Mount" and
all of his other teachings and parables. All of this has powerful subliminal impact.
In addition, the Judeo/Christian Bible has been infused with much occult power
both from the enemy Jews and from centuries of millions upon millions of
deluded Christians putting their psychic energy into this monster.
Any true spirituality and truth is a most serious threat to the ruling Jews who have
secretly kept and used occult power for centuries to curse Gentiles, and seize all
of the wealth and power of the world.
Quote from the Talmud:Seph. Jp., 92, 1: "God has given the Jews power over the
possessions and blood of all nations."
possessions and blood of all nations."
To add to the delusion and confusion concerning Jewish communism,
Christianity, unbeknownst to most of the world, has been working in collusion
with, to promote and advance communism, which the end result is the total
removal of all spirituality, personal liberties and like the Christian Church-control
through ignorance, fear and torture.
All of these Jewish programs come under the pretext of brotherhood and
humanity. Nothing could be further from the truth. Jewish college professors and
their ilk drum the virtues of communism into the heads of students, along with
other lies to deceive in order to gain control.
All of these Jewish programs come under the pretext of brotherhood and
humanity. Nothing could be further from the truth. Jewish college professors and
their ilk drum the virtues of communism into the heads of students, along with
other lies to deceive in order to gain control.
Mention of this, I heard was included in the book "Harvard Hates America."
To further delude people in regards to Christianity and communism,
Christians forever whine how they are "persecuted" at the hands of the
communists. This is just for show. They have you both ways. Communism falls
and then their supposed nemesis [who has been and is their bulwark and ally)
the Christian Church then again infests the country, pretending to be their
enemy and people are back at square one, screwed either way. This is and has
been happening in Russia, after the fall of communism, the Christians are back
with their program again, preparing people and keeping them ignorant to be as
slaves. Any idiot can see plainly, THERE IS NOTHING WHATSOEVER
Christianity is nothing but a Jewish tool to remove all spiritual knowledge,
indoctrinate people to be slaves [rebellion is of Satan, thus "evil") and prepare
them to work for and enjoy their sufferings and abuses and live for their deaths at
the hands of the ruling Jews. Wealth and power are no-no's, as all wealth
belongs to the Jews. The Jews are the ones who run the "state" in communist
countries, and own all of the property, while the populace live lower than animals
and in constant fear.
That pedophile criminal Catholic Pope [the latest one) publicly visited a Jewish
synagogue on his recent trip to the USA. As Adolf Hitler wrote in Mein
Kampf, when the Jews feel confident they are close to their goal,"they drop
the cloak" meaning-they no longer maintain the secrecy that both were and
are working together all along.