Oppenheimers, the Wertheimers, the Schusters, Speyers, and Sterns.
New lodges of predominantly Jews were formed in Frankfurt the Rothschild's
financial capital in Europe, and soon all of Illumininzed Freemasonry would make
the city its world headquarters.
The first order of business for the Illuminati-initiated Jews, who were the was
to manifest their prophesied Zion, a world ruledby the chosen people of Yahweh.
Plans were set in motion for the Jews to finally have their "land of milk and
honey" that had been promised to them for so long [in their own Jew minds] and
it would be the entire world.
The opportunity for manifesting their Zion arrived with the Russian Revolution,
which was financed by the Jewish bankers. One of their own, the German Jew,
Karl Marx, had catalyzed the event with the publication of his Communist
Karl Marx who's real name was Rabbi Mordechai Levi was a member of the
League of the Just of which would lead to the creation of the Communist League.
In 1841, Moses Hess, brought Marx into a society called the "League of the Just"
The motto of the League of the Just (Bund der Gerechten) was "All Men
are Brothers" and its goals were "the establishment of the Kingdom of God on
Earth,based on the ideals of love of one's neighbor, equality and justice."
Earth,based on the ideals of love of one's neighbor, equality and justice."
See the article: Christianity & Communism: Jewish Twins
The Bolshevik leader of the Revolution, Lenin, who on both sides of his family
was of Jewish lineage, contributed his plan for a centralized government that
would be controlled by a Jewish oligarchy. After Lenin and his Illuminati cohorts
raised their flags at the end of the Russian Revolution, their new communist
government emerged with Jews occupying at least 75% of its highest positions,
and ended up with 60 million Gentiles murdered by the Jews by the time
communism was over with. Many of them murdered in an organized system of
camps all run by Jewish commissars.
For more information, see Slave Labor in Soviet Russia:
The Jewish bankers also took another tact and slowly built up an empire of
financial institutions to oversee a capitalistic infrastructure that would govern the
world. As one Jewish banker and Illuminati patron, Amshel Rothschild, is known
to have famously remarked, "Give me the control of a county's finances, and I
care not who governs the country!" This leads to Communism in the end. The
Jews hold all wealth and power and the Gentiles are reduced to total slavery to
global Jewry's One World Order.