A prime example is Hollywood, and how they work to confuse those who are
unknowing-most of the Gentile population, with their movies. Most people here
are well aware of Jewish communism, how they invented it; it is the main theme
of the Judeo/Christian Bible and all of their 'holy writings'-their program for
systematically removing spiritual/occult knowledge and power from the Gentiles
so they, themselves can become 'God' and have a Gentile slave state.
One blatant example here that they use to confuse is the HBO movie
"Stalin"[1992] with Robert Duvall and Julia Ormond

Throughout the movie, the character "Stalin" is made out to be against the Jews,
and hating of the Jews. In real life, this is hardly the case. Stalin's real birth name
was József Dugasvilli. "Dugasvilli" in Georgian, means "SON OF A JEW." Stalin's
second wife "Nadezhda Alliluyev" [played by Julia
Ormond in the movie] was also Jewish. His children were Jewish. His eldest son, named "Yakov" is Jewish for 'Jacob.'

Lavrenty Beria was another Georgian Jew who worked directly under Stalin. In
the movie, they also portrayed him to be anti-Jewish. Most people, the general
populace, are unaware and do not read enough to know the facts beneath all of
the lies that are thrown at the public.

More examples include "The Inner Circle" [1991]

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103838/ another movie that takes place in the former
USSR under Stalin, where blatant persecution of the Jews is the main theme. It
even goes so far as to show a Jewish character being arrested by the NKVD for
secretly "collaborating with the Nazis." What a joke! Then, the movie goes on
with more Jews in their best roles as professional victims.
Moscow on the Hudson [1984]

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0087747/ was another movie, though only a very
short, but blatant part of the movie, they show Jews again, with their placards of
Stars of David [stolen and corrupted from the East Indian "Star of Vishnu"],
protesting the Soviet communist government. The Jews always whine the
loudest. These movies and many more are just for show, and to confuse the
daylights out of Gentiles.

The Jews, being inventors and promoters of communism, work to try to convince
an ignorant public that they are against communism. This is controlling both
sides, and directing each side towards the goals of their agenda, of which the
Jews are highly skilled at.

The Catholic Church is another blatant example-the KGB of the Middle Ages.
"Christianity and communism are very close spiritually and ideologically. This is a
fairly well known concept that has been adopted by various thinkers, from
Thomas More to Lev Tolstoy.

Few people know that the world's first socialist state was established in Paraguay and was based on the ideas of Catholic Jesuits before Marx created his teachings."

"The "Society of Jesus"- the Jesuit religious order-in the Catholic Church was
roughly equivalent to the KGB in the Soviet Union."

Above quotes taken from "Pravda" [The main Communist Party Newspaper and
leading newspaper of the former Soviet Union] from the article: "Is there any
difference between Christianity and Communism?" 30/04/2013

The Jews work relentlessly to try to convince the Gentile populace, that they are
against Christianity, and that they are "persecuted" by Christians and Christianity.

Really now, how can any true Christian be persecuting of Jews?
Every single page of that bible has either the words "Jew/s" and/or "Israel" written on it, Jesus is Jewish from birth to death-circumcised and named on the eighth day in a synagogue by a rabbi in maintaining Jewish tradition, his mother and so
- called" earthly father" were both Jewish and observant of Jewish laws. His 12 disciples were Jewish. The entire Judeo/Christian bible is Jewish from cover to cover, just as communism is completely under the control of the Jews, so the Jews promote the idea that they are enemies of and persecuted by each and this works very well in deceiving those of average intelligence.
Real Satanism, as many here are aware is heavily persecuted, suppressed, and
automatically banned in many areas of the world and even in those where the
constitution states "religious freedoms.'

"Satan" means "Enemy" in Hebrew.

"We Shall Destroy God"

Direct Quote from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
In addition, truths concerning Satanism are viciously suppressed, while the Jews
dictate false [and horrendous] information regarding Satanism, which leads to
occult crimes and keeps the Christian program thriving.

One can see the truth for one's self. Where in the world is there even just ONE
open and public Satanic Church? Anything against the Jews is "evil" and they
attack it and use their spiritual slaves, such as the Christians to attack it as well.
Everything the Jews do and are, they twist and pervert and blame it upon
Gentiles and any groups that are against them, such as Jewish
Ritual Murder being promoted about Satanism, when it is really their "YAWEH" they are sacrificing to. The truth about Satanism is kept heavily suppressed, which in truth is spiritual advancement of the soul and raising the serpent power. The Jews who control the media, along with publishing companies, mainstream bookstores, and public libraries promote the most degenerate LIES concerning Satan and Satanism, while anything positive is heavily suppressed and denied.

The Jews accuse their enemies of what they themselves do. They infiltrate, imposter, and take control. "Satanism" is a blanket term for all of the old Pagan religions and "Pagan" means "Gentile."