Jews Concocted Christianity.
Where did the ideas of Christianity come from? The Jews, who were scattered
throughout the Roman Empire, have been Master Mind- manipulators of other
peoples from the earliest beginnings of their history. They have always been at
war with the host peoples they have infested like a parasite. When during the
Jewish Wars of 68-70 C.E., Rome put down the Jewish rebellion in Judea and
leveled Jerusalem to the ground, the Jews were thirsting for revenge. They were
looking for a way to destroy Rome, the Roman race and its total empire. They
had tried military opposition and failed miserably, being no match for the
superlative Romans. They looked for an alternative—mind manipulation through
religion—and they found the right creed in a relatively unimportant religious sect
called the Essenes.

The Essenes Nevertheless, the evidence is overwhelming that these ideas long preceded the Christian era and it was not Christ who came out with them but a Jewish sect called the Essenes who lived on the border of the Dead Sea. It was they who had already evolved the ideas contained in the Sermon on the Mount but have been attributed to Christ. Not only had they evolved the same ideas as set forth in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, but the wording, the phraseology and the sentences were the same and they preceded the supposed time of the Sermon on the Mount by anywhere from 50 to 150 years.

The Essenes were a Jewish religious group living in approximately the first
century BCE And the first century CE We have important sources of their
contemporary writings in the historian Josephus and also in the philosopher
Philo. They are also mentioned by various other Roman and Greek writers of
those times in which their religious teachings are revealed in considerable detail.
However, in the last twenty years the thousands of Dead Sea Scrolls, many of
which were written by the Essenes themselves, reveal a tremendous amount of
insight into their religious teachings, and above all, reveal that they preceded and
preempted the Sermon on the Mount word for word, so that the so-called "new"
teachings of a figure supposedly appearing from heaven in the year 1 C.E., and
preaching during the years 3-to 33 C.E. were neither original nor were they
new. Furthermore, we learn that the Essenes were notable for their communistic
society, their extreme piety and purity and their practice of celibacy. They
possessed all their worldly goods in common and looked upon private property
as an evil which might divert them from sanctity. They engaged in agriculture and
handicrafts, considering these occupations less sinful than others. They also
practiced baptism, and this practice preceded the Christian era by at least one
hundred. So the Christian apostles can hardly be credited with having instituted
the ritual of baptism, as is claimed.

Why, the average reader might ask, haven't we been told more about the
Essenes if they were the original practitioners of Christianity? There are two good
and overriding answers for that. The Christians on their part, although the early
Christian fathers were well aware of the Essene teachings and writings, took
every measure possible to destroy them and purge them from circulation. The
reason being they did not want their presence known because it would
undermine their dogma that Christ was the originator of the New teaching. It
would make impossible the claim that this was a great new revelation sent forth
by God himself amid the hosannas and singing of angels. The Jews, on the other
hand, did not want to reveal the presence of the Essenes because they wish to
completely hide any connection between the Jews and the new religious
teaching that they were about to administer unto the Gentiles. They even went to
great lengths to appear hostile to it.

Before I go further into the highly illuminating and highly interesting Dead Sea
Scrolls I want to make just one further point that is that the original manuscripts
on which the New Testament supposedly based is always alluded to being
translated from the "Original Greek." Since the New Testament repeats over and
over again and again that Paul spoke to his flock in Jewish and that Jesus spoke
in Jewish and that the Apostles were Jewish, why, then, is it that the manuscripts
were all in Greek?

The historical facts add up to this: the Jewish hierarchy and undoubtedly the
whole conspiracy was well coordinated and had many, many members and co
-workers. It was not written at the time of Christ at all, but the movement was
given great promotion by the combined efforts of the Jewish nation. As they
organized and promoted their ideas further, these were reduced to writing
considerably later than the years 30 to 33 C.E. when Christ supposedly came out
with these startlingly and "new" revelations. The conclusions are that they were
written by Jewish persons whose identity we shall never know and were written
by collectively by many authors, were revised from time to time and not only in
their original formation and formulation but have been revised time and time
again throughout the centuries to become more effective and persuasive

However, we want to go further into the teachings of the Essenes and who they
were and why their particular teachings were pounced upon by the Jews to be
formulated into a well-distilled poisonous brew and then fed to the Gentiles.
The Dead Sea Scrolls, which are more numerous and much more revealing than
the Jewish press of today has informed us tell us much about the teachings and
the life of the Essenes. One of the important things that they tell us about the
Essenes is that they vanished from the face of the earth after about two centuries
of existence and the termination date being somewhere around the year 100
C.E. They were, needless to say, only a very small sect of the Jewish tribes and
not a part of the Jewish conspiracy as such. Beingoutside of the mainstream of
Jewish activity and thought, the Jews nevertheless observed from them that this
kind of teaching could ruin and destroy a people.

The Jews, looking for a way todestroy the Roman nation, who in the year 70 C.E. had destroyed and leveled Jerusalem to the ground, noted well what these teachings were and decided to perpetuate them on the Romans. Essenism was really a revolutionary new form of social order, an ideal cooperative commonwealth in miniature. Instead of the Messiah, the ideal of the Essenes was the "Teacher of Righteousness." They established a new cooperative communitarian brotherhood and they were the first religious society to establish and observe the sacraments of baptism and the Eucharistic meal. Furthermore, the "Teacher of Righteousness" as promulgated by the Essenes may not have been the first pacifist in history, but he was the first to implement his pacifist theories with an overall practical measure, which if generally adopted, would abolish war. This, of course, was a wonderful religion for the Jews to sell to the Romans, for if they convert the Romans into submissive pacifists they could certainly soon thereafter dominate them in full.
And this they did.

The Essenes lived in the area of Qumran near the Dead Sea and according to
Philo, the Jewish Philosopher and writer contemporary of that age, "the Essene
brotherhood would not allow the manufacture of any weapons or allow within
their community any maker of arrows, spears, swords or any manufacture of
engines of war, nor any man occupied with a military avocation, or even with
peaceful practices which might easily be converted to mischief." Not only does
Philo tell us about the Essenes, but also Josephus and Pliny, both contemporary
historians, tell us much about the Essenes.

As mentioned before, much is emerging also from the study of the Dead Sea
Scrolls. The overriding fact that emerges from the study of the writings of the
historians of that time and the Dead Sea Scrolls is this tremendously significant
fact: Namely that the beliefs, teachings, and practices attributed to Jesus Christ,
although not exactly identical in all respects with those of the Essene school,
were nevertheless, closer to those of the Essenes than to those of the Bishops of
the Ecumenical Council which determined the Nicene Creed of orthodox
Christianity. So we can come to the obvious conclusion that the Christian beliefs
and doctrines as supposedly enunciated by Christ in the Sermon on the Mount
did not originate at all at that time but at least 100 years earlier from a Jewish
sect called the Essenes living near the Dead Sea; that the Elders of Sanhedrin
recognized this teaching as being deadly and suicidal; that they further took this
doctrine and distilled and refined it into a working creed; the Jews then, with a
great deal of energy and tremendous amounts of propaganda (in which they
excel), promoted and distributed this poisonous doctrine among the Romans.
Setting this creed down in writing in what is now called the New Testament
evolved over the next several centuries. It was written by persons unknown to us
today but undoubtedly of Jewish origin.

Furthermore, to give it a mystical and heavenly sent deification, they invented the
person of Jesus Christ, and claimed that he was the "Son of God". Then, having
laid the groundwork for this new church, they consolidated that power at a
meeting in Nicene, where the creation of the new church was solidified, the creed
formalized and given official sanctification. Thus, in short, was launched
the new church and the new religion of "Jesus Christ" which was fabricated out
of thin air.

Not a single trace of the Jesus Christ personage can be found in authentic
history. Nevertheless, this newly fabricated hoax of Jesus Christ, the Son of God
this idea, with all its suicidal doctrines, was soon to pull down in ruins the great
Roman Empire and the great White civilization that went with it.
Never again did the White Race shake off the control if the Jews. Never again did
the White Man regain control of his own thinking, of his own religion, his own
finances, nor his own government. Unto this day the White Race has not
regained control of its own destiny.

Death of the Romans.
We all know what happened to the Romans shortly after they were“
converted”to Christianity. With their instincts deadened and their thinking
perverted into worrying about the spooks in the sky instead of struggling for their
own survival and advancement, they soon shrank into oblivion. They faded from
 the scene of history. They paid the penalty of allowing themselves to be
mongrelized and not recognizing their eternal enemy, the Jew. Such are the
consequences of not recognizing your enemy, and, of course, you can’t defend
yourself against an enemy you can’t, or won’t, recognize.

The Jewish-Christian bible is a mass of contradictions that has something to say
positively and negatively on all sides of every issue. It is like a musical
instrument—you can play on it any tune you choose. By picking out those
particular passages that suit your argument and ignoring all other passages that
contradict it, you can have God and the bible on your side to back up your
argument, any argument, whatever it may be. As the Jews have often pointed
out, they always first enlist the aid of the stupid preachers to help spread their
corrosive ideas. The passages that were now emphasized were that“we are all
God’s children”, that“we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord”, that“ we all have a
soul”, that Jesus came to“ save all sinners”, and a lot of similar drivel.

Infiltration of the Jews.
At about this time Rome itself was infiltrated by an alien people that were to
prove more deadly, more treacherous and more tenacious than the
Carthaginians. According to a Jewish Encyclopedia, the first accounts of
Jewish settlement in Rome date to 139 B.C.E., but they undoubtedly were there
much earlier. It states that Rome is the oldest continuous Jewish settlement in the
world. Unlike the Carthaginians, the Jews were not a military threat, but
more like an internal disease or virus, they undermined and sickened the whole
body politic, culturally, economically, religiously, morally and racially.