The nations will gather to pay homage to the people of God: all the fortunes of
the nations will pass to the Jewish people, they will march captive behind the
Jewish people in chains and will prostrate themselves before them, their kings
will bring up their sons, and their princesses will nurse their children. The Jews
will command the nations; they will summon peoples whom they do not even
know them will hasten to them. The riches of the sea and the wealth of nations
will come to the Jews of their own right.

"Any people of the Kingdom who will not serve Isreal will be destroyed"-
Isidore Loeb [Le Litterature des Pauvres dans la Bible].
What were the effects of the subversion of Free Masonry by the Jews, within the
organization? Masonry is based upon Judaism.
"Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic Ritual and what is left?"
-The Jewish Tribune [New York, October 28, 1927]
"In the present nations, Freemasonry is only of benefit to the Jews"-
Theodore Herzl [Founder and Leader of World Zionism]

"We have founded many secret associations, which all work for our purpose,
under our orders and our direction.
One of the many triumphs of our Freemasonry is that those Gentiles who become
members of our Lodges, should never suspect that we are using them to build
 their own jails, upon whose terraces we shall erect the throne of our universal
King of the Jews; and should never know that we are commanding them to forge
the chains of their own servility to our future King of the World"-Opening speech
made at the B'nai B'rith convention in Paris [published in the Catholic Gazette,
Feb 1936] Here it should be obvious why the Third Reich banned such
 organizations within Germany. They are organs of Jewish Communism.

The Coming Gnostic Civilization by M.A. Pinkham