Three key offensives the Jews use to destroy Gentiles are infiltration, confusion,
and creating inner division and disunity. For example, the Jews pretend to be
against Christianity, but truth be known, they know at the upper levels,
Christianity, along with its relative of Islam are both Jewish programs that are
used to destroy Gentiles. Christianity has been used in Europe and for the
destruction of mainly white peoples through the Inquisition. Christianity's
counterpart of Islam has been used to enslave mainly non-whites. Both are slave
programs with nothing spiritual, underneath is Jewish communism. These
programs are needed by the Jews to prepare Gentiles for communism. Once
they are no longer needed, they are systematically destroyed by the Jews, with
the full institution of Bolshevism. The Catholic Church was the KGB of the Middle
Jews work to destroy Gentile, mainly White Patriot organizations through
infiltration. They pretend to be Aryan. The problem is, online, one cannot see
whom one is communicating with. They can say anything.
The Jews are very clever in getting control of their enemies. The Jews promote
Christianity by
Claiming to be of Satan,
Claiming affiliation with the anti-christ,
By appearing as though they are working to destroy Christianity
Claiming that the Talmud attacks the Nazarene and Virgin,
when in truth,
the attacks are against Satan and the Gentile Gods
Claiming to be persecuted by Christians
Promoting the accusation that the Jews "murdered christ"
Promoting the idea that Christianity and communism are enemies of each
Once one is a Christian, one is under the psychic influence and control of the
Jews and the Jews know this. This establishes a powerful connection for the
Jews to control their enemies through curses, and other psychic means, as
Christianity establishes a powerful subliminal connection that very few people are
aware of. The Jews will do anything and everything to appear to be enemies of
Christianity, as Christianity is their root of power. This has worked in bringing
many more unsuspecting Gentiles into the Christian fold.
The ADL [Jewish Defense League] has a huge network of infiltrators with top
technology and an entire building full of computers where these nefarious
Jews infiltrate, hack, invent worms and viruses, spy on, and work to destroy
Gentiles, namely White Patriot organizations from within [their age-old method of
Certain White Patriot/NS forums and groups are controlled by individuals working
for the ADL [who pretend to be Nazis]. These individuals work together in
collusion, unbeknownst to the majority of the group. They can be identified by
their constant discouraging of any activity, discouraging wearing or displaying NS
symbols such as the Swastika, the SS Runes or other PAGAN symbols, which
make a statement, and their overall negative attitude toward anything that would
promote National Socialism.
Another key factor here is these Jew infiltrators push Christianity and
What is known as "Christian identity" especially within these groups. They
pretend to be Aryan and either directly or indirectly-push Christianity on our
people, especially new people who are vulnerable. They claim Adolf Hitler and
even Martin Bormann were "Christians." nothing could be further from the truth!
Many National Socialist writings were translated into English by Jews and in
addition, many have been altered. For example, the German words for "evil" and
such have in many NS writings, been translated into English, using the word
Regardless of the endless lies about, and the alleged quotes they claim Adolf
Hitler stated, the PAGAN SYMBOLS of Nazi Germany speak for themselves.
There is much more proof, if people would bother to do the research. The Pagan
symbols speak for themselves!
Through deeper investigation into these ADL infiltrators, they immediately e-
mail new group members with pro-Christian literature and bible verses. This is not
only to confuse the new and vulnerable, but also to tie NS people into the Jewish
psychic energy pool, such as Christianity and Islam where one works for one's
own damnation, and destroys their own people in the process.
The Jews dread our return to our Pagan origins, as that will be the death of them.
Their power is in Christianity and Islam, which is a huge psychic/astral energy
vortex of which they draw upon like the parasites they are. Christianity is nothing
more than an attack on the mass mind with incessant repetitive lies, such as the
Jews being the "Chosen of God," a fictitious history of the Jews that gives them
privileges that they are not, nor they ever have been entitled to, and establishes
a mindset which exalts them and disarms the Gentiles both subconsciously and
No matter what, where, when, or how, the Jews are the ones who push
Christianity and Islam; knowing in the end, the Gentile victims of these kosher
programs are psychically under their control at the soul, and what is within the
soul will eventually manifest into reality. They pretend repeatedly to be at odds
with, and even outright enemies of the Christian program, but this is to fool you.
This is strictly for show, and to delude and deceive the Gentiles.
This is no different from how they pretend to be against communism, when in
truth, they are the leaders, promoters, and instigators of communism. The Jews
are masters of deception and lies. They gain control through confusion. Young
Jews are taught how to argue in their Yeshiva schools.