16. If the Jews of Europe were not exterminated by
the Nazis, what happened to them?
After the war millions of Jews were still alive in Europe. Hundreds of
thousands (perhaps as many as one and a half million) had died of all
causes during the war. Others had emigrated to Palestine, the United
States, and other countries. Still more Jews left Europe after the war.

17. How many Jews fled or were evacuated to deep within the Soviet Union?
More than two million fled or were evacuated by the Soviets in 1941-1942.
These Jews thus never came under German control.

18. How many Jews emigrated from Europe prior to the war, thus putting them
outside of German reach?
Perhaps a million (not including those absorbed by the USSR).

19. If Auschwitz was not an extermination camp, why did the commandant,
Rudolf Höss, confess that it was?
He was tortured by British military police, as one of his interrogators later

20. Is there any evidence of American, British, and Soviet policy to torture
German prisoners in order to exact“confessions”for use at the trials at
Nuremberg and elsewhere?
Yes. Torture was extensively used to produce fraudulent“evidence”for the infamous Nuremberg trials, and in other postwar“war crimes”trials.

21. How does the Holocaust story benefit Jews today?
It helps protect Jews as a group from criticism. As a kind of secular
religion, it provides an emotional bond between Jews and their leaders. It
is a powerful tool in Jewish money-raising campaigns, and is used to
justify US aid to Israel.

22. How does it benefit the State of Israel?
It justifies the billions of dollars in “reparations”Germany has paid to Israel
and many individual“survivors.
”It is used by the Zionist/Israeli lobby to dictate a pro- Israel American foreign policy in the Middle East, and to force American taxpayer aid t
o Israel, totaling billions of dollars per year.

23. How is it used by many Christian clergymen?
The Holocaust story is cited to justify the Old Testament notion of Jews as
a holy and eternally persecuted“Chosen People.”

24. How did it benefit the Communists?
It diverted attention from Soviet war mongering and atrocities before,
during and after the Second World War.

25. How does it benefit Britain?
In much the same way it benefited the Soviet Union.

26. Is there any evidence that Hitler ordered mass extermination of Jews?

27. What kind of gas was used in German wartime concentration camps?
Hydrocyanic gas from “Zyklon B,” a commercial pesticide that was widely
used throughout Europe.

28. For what purpose was“Zyklon B”manufactured?
It was a pesticide used to fumigate clothing and quarters to kill typhus-
bearing lice and other pests.

29. Was this product suitable for mass extermination?
No. If the Nazis had intended to use poison gas to exterminate people, far
more efficient products were available. Zyklon is a slow-acting fumigation

30. How long does it take to ventilate an area after fumigation with Zyklon B?
Normally about 20 hours. The whole procedure is very complicated and
dangerous. Gas masks must be used, and only trained technicians are

31. Auschwitz commandant Höss said that his men would enter the
“gas chambers”to remove bodies ten minutes after the victims had died. How do
you explain this?
It can't be explained because had they done so they would have suffered
the same fate as the“gassing”victims.

32. Höss said in his“confession”
that his men would smoke cigarettes as they pulled bodies out of gas chambers,
 ten minutes after gassing. Isn’t Zyklon B explosive?Yes. The Höss confession is
obviously false.

33. What was the exact procedure the Nazis allegedly used to exterminate
The stories range from dropping gas canisters into a crowded room from a
hole in the ceiling, to piping gas through shower heads, to“steam chambers,”
to“electrocution”machinery. Millions are alleged to have been killed in these ways.