Subject: Jew Kiddie Snuff Porn
Date: Fri, Oct 13, 2000, 12:24 am
Italian and Russian Police Break Up Child Snuff Porn Ring
Mon Oct 9 17:39:53 2000
Rome, Italy--Italian and Russian police,working together, broke up a ring of
Jewish gangsters who had been involved in the manufacture of child rape and
snuff pornography.
Three Russian Jews and eight Italian Jews were arrested after police discovered
they had been kidnapping non-Jewish children between the ages of two and five
years old from Russian orphanages, raping the children, and then murdering
them on film. Mostly non-Jewish customers, including 1700 nationwide, 600 in
Italy, and unknown number in the United States, paid as much as $20,000 per
film to watch little children being raped and murdered.
Jewish officials in a major Italian news agency tried to cover the story up, but
were circumvented by Italian news reporters, who broadcasts scenes from the
films live at prime time on Italian television to more than 11 million Italian viewers.
Jewish officials then fired the executives responsible, claiming they were
spreading "blood libel."
Throughout history, various groups have accused sects of Jews of ritually
murdering small children. One such account, that of Hugh of Lincoln, led to the
expulsion of all Jews from Britain in the 13th Century. Such accounts have
generally been discounted, but are so wide spread that Jewish organizations
have developed a name for them--"blood libel."
The American group the ADL was founded to defend a Jew, Leo Frank, accused
of raping and murdering a five year old girl, Mary Fagan, in his Atlanta pencil
factory in 1913. The ADL claims he was innocent. A mob lynched him after the
governor commuted his death sentence to life in prison.
Though AP and Reuters both ran stories on the episode, US media
conglomerates refused to carry the story on television news, again saying the
story would prejudice Americans against Jews.
Jewish gangsters in Russia have become increasingly linked to traffic in "white
slaves" and prostitutes through Israel, according to a recent report in the
Jerusalem Post. Israel turns an official blind eye to forced prostitution, and does
not punish Israeli citizens who choose to own "sex slaves", as long as the slaves
are foreign and non-Jews.
Observer-Sunday October 1, 2000
Britain is a key link in the biggest ever international investigation into the
production and supply of pedophile 'snuff' movies-in which children are
murdered on film-an Observer investigation can reveal.
The key suspect in the inquiry, a Russian who was arrested last week in Moscow
for distribution of thousands of sadistic child porn videos and pictures, was traced
following the seizure of his products from British pedophiles.
Dmitri Vladimirovich Kuznetsov, a 30-year-old former car mechanic in Moscow,
was identified after British Customs and police traced the origin of violent child
porn videos found in the UK back to Russia.
Last week Italian police seized 3,000 of Kuznetsov's videos on their way to
clients in Italy, sparking an international hunt for pedophiles who have bought his
products. The Italian investigators say the material includes footage of children
dying during abuse. Prosecutors in Naples are considering charging those who
have bought the videos with complicity in murder. They say some may have
specifically requested films of killings.
British authorities yesterday confirmed that scores of Kuznetsov's videos,
produced in his small flat in Moscow's rundown Vykhino district, have been found
in the UK. They are concerned that 'snuff' movies in which children are killed may
have also been imported.
Around a dozen British men have already been arrested and charged with
offences alleged to be connected to the Russian tapes. A second Russian child
porn ring, which allegedly had a British distributor, was broken up earlier this
year. The investigation into the importing of violent Russian child porn which led
to the identification and subsequent imprisonment of Kuznetsov started about 15
months ago after Customs seized material coming into the country. Since then
there have been dozens of other finds.
'We have seen some very, very nasty stuff involving sadistic abuse of very young
children, but actual deaths on film takes it a whole step further. That is very
worrying,' said one senior customs officer this weekend.
British pedophiles were paying between £50 and£100 for Kuznetsov's tapes, the
officer said. Further fees were paid for access to a website
that features pictures of extremely violent abuse.
Though two men arrested with Kuznetsov have also been imprisoned by Moscow
authorities, only one of the three remains behind bars. Dmitri Ivanov was
sentenced to 11 years for actually participating in the abuse that was being
filmed. The others were released under an amnesty aimed at clearing Russia's
overcrowded prisons.
When officers from the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department raided
Kuznetsov's flat they found two boys in a makeshift studio. They seized a huge
quantity of films and other pornographic material as well as lists of clients in Italy,
Germany, America and Britain.
Last week Italian detectives moved in, following months of inquiries, and arrested
eight people. The police searched more than 600 homes and say they now have
evidence against about 500 people. Among the suspects were businessmen,
public employees and a university student. Several of them were married, with
children of their own. Hundreds of people are also under investigation in