A similar fate struck the slave ship "Amistad". Among the slaves was the son of
an enemy tribal chief. Once the ship was under way, he schemed with his
compatriots to attack the ship's crew. Following a bloody battle, they managed to
capture the captain. The Negro prince forced him to turn back to Africa, then in
the evening, under cover of darkness, he changed his course, zigzagged for
months until he came close to the American coast, and encountered a
government ship. This took place in the year 1839 when slave trading was
already forbidden and illegal.

The Negro slaves were freed and the captain punished. These sea voyages were
not without danger when they had Black cargo, which accounts for the fact that
the Jews most always engaged non-Jewish captains.
The slave dealers preferred to remain in their offices and counted the fat
winnings following each journey, such as Aaron Lopez, who left his heirs one of
the largest fortunes in the New England era.

When reviewing the documented facts contained herein, it is important that one
always remembers that it was a lucky captain who did not lose more than 9 out of
19 slaves on the return trip.

It is equally important to remember that these poor Black creatures had to lie in
human excrement for the entire trip. Think of it! No wonder sickness and disease
took such a high toll. Remember the figures: approximately one hundred ten
million Black people were captured and removed from their homeland in Africa.

Only ELEVEN MILLION of these Black slaves reached the Colonies alive.
And the Jews still talk about the Germans and Hitler and how six million Jews
were exterminated during World War II. This is the greatest LIE ever perpetrated
upon the people of the world-whereas the story of the poor Black slaves is
documented. Documented with TRUTH. The evidence is still available for the
people of the world to see.

The "Carnegie Institute of Technology" is located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
As this document is distributed, eventually reaching the hands of the Jew, the
evidence will probably be removed and destroyed until finally all documentation
is removed which is damaging to the Jew. The Jews have been engaged in this
practice for centuries. Truth, however—truth which bears fact cannot remain
covered or hidden forever—and more truths are being disclosed by those of us
who intend to free America of these sons of the devil—the Jews.

The published documentation contained herein was obtained from the Carnegie
Institute of Learning, presently known as "The Carnegie Institute of Technology."
The following is a partial of the slave ships owned by Jews:

'Abigail' by Aaron Lopez, Moses Levy, and Jacob Franks.

'Crown' by Isaac Levy and Nathan Simpson.

'Nassau' by Moses Levy.

'Four Sisters' by Moses Levy.

'Anne & Eliza' by Justus Bosch and John Abrams.

'Prudent Betty' by Henry Cruger and Jacob Phoenix.

'Hester' by Mordecai and David Gomez.

'Elizabeth' by David and Mordecai Gomez.

'Antigua' by Nathan Marston and Abram Lyell.

'Betsy' by Wm. DeWoolf.

'PoUy' by James DeWoolf.

'White Horse' by Jan de Sweevts.

'Expedition' by John and Jacob Rosevelt.

'Charlotte' by Moses and Sam Levy and Jacob Franks.

'Caracoa' by Moses and Sam Levy.

Slave-runners, also owned by Jews were the 'La Fortuna', the 'Hannah',the 'Sally
', and the 'Venue'.Some of the Jews of Newport and Charleston who were
engaged in the distillery or slavery trade, or both, were:
Isaac Gomez, Hayman Levy, Jacob Malhado, Naphtaly Myers, David Hart,
Joseph Jacobs, Moses Ben Franks, Moses Gomez, Isaac Dias, Benjamin Levy,
David Jeshuvum, Jacob Pinto, Jacob Turk, Daniel Gomez, James Lucana,
Jande Sweevts, Felix (cha-cha) de Souza (known as the 'Prince of Slavers' and
second only to Aaron Lopez), Simeon Potter, Isaac Elizer,Jacob Rod, Jacol)
Itodrigues Rivera, Haym Isaac Carregal, Abraham Touro, Moses Hays, Moses
Lopez, Judah Touro, Abrtham Mendes and Abraham All.

Of some 600 ships leaving the port of Newport, more than 300 were engaged in
the slave trade. A typical cargo ofone ship, 'La Fortuna', was 217 slaves which
cost about $4,300 and sold for $41,438.00.
Only about 10% of the slave ship captains were Jews, not wanting to subject
themselves to the rigors of the 6-month journey. They preferred to stay at home
and continue their distillery operations which continued to supply rum and
whiskey to the Indians for many years at a very great profit.