The Bible is a Jewish conspiracy. Christians are deluded under a powerful spell.
Christianity is nothing more than a vicious program, with the goals of:

Forcing the Gentiles to give up all occult knowledge and power so all
psychic power is in the hands of s
elect Jews for total control.

Indoctrinating the Gentile masses into pacifism and a slave-like mentality
of servitude Encouraging the Gentiles into giving up all money and worldly goods
which is funneled into the hands of the ruling Jews and their Gentile
lackeys like Billy Graham Preparing the Gentile masses for a one world communist slave state with the ruling Jews in control.

Channeling Gentile psychic energy and prayers into the "Second coming
of Christ" which is in reality the Jewish Messiah as any working of the
mind must have a connection.

Cutting the Gentiles off from their own Tribal Gods and Demi-Gods, whose
identities have been altered and replaced with fictitious Jewish characters.
Our True Creator God has been denigrated, viciously and heinously
insulted and blasphemed and relegated to the enemy of humanity.
"May his name and memory be blotted out."-The Jewish Talmud
The list is endless and it is so glaringly obvious what was done. Now, we all know
the Nazarene is fictitious. The Jews themselves know it and don't believe in him
as he is a lie based upon some 20+ crucified "saviors" stolen from Gentile
pantheons around the world.

I have put a lot of effort and time into researching the Bible, as so many people
have serious hang-ups because of intense indoctrination with Christianity and the
psychic power that has gone into it. It is obvious the Bible is a hoax and a lie.
"We shall now endeavor to answer the question which must naturally arise in the
minds of all who see for the first time, the similarity in the legends of the Hebrews
and those of other nations, namely: have the Hebrews copied from other nations,
or, have other nations copied from the Hebrews? To answer this question we
shall; first give a brief account or history of the Pentateuch and other books of the
Old Testament from which we have taken legends, and show about what time
they were written; and second, show that other nations were possessed of these
legends long before that time, and that the Jews copied from them."–Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions by T. W. Doane © 1882, page 92

The Creation:
"Structurally, Genesis 1-11 presents a fascinating insight into how the Bible
evolved from a collection of polytheistic myths and legends from various cultures
into a mostly coherent monotheistic account of Israelite history."-101 Myths of the Bible by Gary Greenburg © 2000; page 3 In summary, every character in the bible was stolen form Pagan Gentile religions and replaced with a Jewish character:

Jewish mono
theism was stolen from Egyptian Akhenaton

The Jewish creation was stolen from the Egyptian Creation

The Jewish Yahweh's use of the word to create was stolen from the

Egyptians [Jewish Yaweh replaces Ptah]

"Let there be Light" was stolen from the Theban
Creation epic.

The "firmament in the midst of the waters" was stolen from the Egyptian Creation

Adam and Eve were stolen from the Egyptian Geb and Nut
Eve coming from Adam's rib was stolen from
the Epic of Enki and Ninhursag:
"My brother what hurts thee?
"My rib hurts me"
ANET, 41.
Ninti who's name means
"Lady of the Rib" cured Enki's rib
Adam and Eve's punishment and loss of immortality were stolen from the
Mesopotamian story of Adapa [Jewish Yaweh replaces Sumerian Enki]
Jewish Cain, Abe
l, and Seth were stolen from Osiris, Set, and Horus
The conflict between Cain and Abel was stolen from Set and Osiris
and as the story goes on, it is later based upon the Sumerian Dumuzi
and Enkimdu
Jewish Samson was stolen from Heracles:
The putting
out of his eyes is based on Oedipus, and the pulling down of the
pillars was stolen from the Egyptian tale about Re
The Jewish story of Jacob and the Ladder was stolen from the Egyptian Funerary
Rituals for the deceased King
"Hail to thee, O
Ladder of God, Hail to thee, O Ladder of Set. Stand up O
Ladder of God, Stand up O Ladder of Set, stand up O Ladder of Horus,
whereon Osiris went forth into heaven.
The Egyptian Ladder
consisting of the bodies of two Egyptian deities upon which Osiris ascends
into heaven, has been replaced by a ladder with several supernatural
beings, angels, climbing up and down between earth and heaven."

Jewish Moses was stolen from several Gods and kings, depending on what
stage of his life story:

Sargon [the birth and abandonment in the river, being rescued by royalty,

The wanderings in the desert were based upon the Sun
God Bacchus as seen in the Hymns of Orpheus

The Hebrew stint of "40 years in the desert" claimed in the Jewish book of
Exodus The subsequent "40 day and 40 nights" wanderings in the desert of the Jewish Nazarene were stolen from: "The struggle of Set and Horus in the desert lasted forty days, as commemorated in the forty days of the Egyptian Lent, during which time Set, as the power of drought and sterility, made war on Horus in the water and the buried germinating grain....These forty days have been extended into forty years, and confessedly so by the Jews."

Jewish Joshua was stolen from the Egyptian Deities Shu and Nun.

Jewish Deborah was stolen from the Egyptian Goddess Neith

Jewish Noah was stolen from Sumerian Ziusudra

The fictitious Jewish God Yaweh in the Noah story replaced the Sumerian
God Enlil, aka Beelzebub

Noah's son Jewish Ham was stolen from Belus

Jewish Nimrod
was stolen from the Egyptian Pharaoh Sesostris

Jewish Abraham was stolen from King Hariscandra of the Hindu

Jewish Isaac was stolen from King Hariscandra's son Rohita

The fictitious Jewish God Yaweh in this story replaced the Hindu God

Jewish character Daniel was stolen from Egyptian Neferti

Jewish Jonah and the whale; Jonah was stolen from the Hindu
character "Saktideva" found in the Somadeva Bhatta.

The "Twelve Tribes of Israel" like the Twelve Disciples of Christ
are based upon the twelve signs of the Zodiac.

Jewish Lot and his wife were stolen from the Greek Orpheus and

Jewish Yaweh replaces the Greek God Hades

Jewish Jacob and Jewish Esau were stolen from Horus and Set

Jewish Rebek
ah was stolen from The Egyptian Goddess Isis

Jewish Joseph with the eleven brothers was stolen from Egyptian

Jewish story of Joseph and Potipher's wife stolen from Egyptian
Anubis and Bata

"The Ten Plagues" against Egypt
were grossly exaggerated and altered and stolen from the Ipuwer Papyrus

The Ten commandments was stolen from The Code of Hammurabi
Jewish Yaweh replaces the Sumerian Sun God Shamash aka Azazel

Jewish David killing Philistine Goliath were
stolen from Thor throwing a hammer at Hrungnir and striking him in the forehead.

The Jewish Job was stolen from Ugaritic Keret and Jewish Yaweh
replaces the God "El."

The Jewish "Job," was stolen from a story written in the Ugaritic language
[Cuneiform Script], composed circa 1400 BCE by "Ilimilku the Scribe." This epic
involves "Keret" and the God "El," NOT Job and Jehova. Keret's family tragedies
and illness are comparable with the story of Job. In the original tale, "Satan"
never even entered into the picture. Here, Jewish Jehova replaces El
By creating opposing Gods, one "good" and the other "evil" the Jews have been
able to manipulate the world beyond belief.
The Jewish book of Proverbs, along with the writings in the book of Ecclesiastes
were stolen from the Teachings of Egyptian Ptah-Hotep.
Many of the writings in the Jewish book of Joshua were stolen from
The El Amarna Letters
The Jewish book of Judges is comprised of material stolen from:

The Story of Aqhat

The Diary of Wen-Amon

The Gezer Almanac

The Jewish books of Samuel and Kings contain stolen material from:

The Mari Prophecies

The Stele of Mesha

The Karatepe Inscription

The Annals of Shalmaneser III

The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III

The Annals of Tiglath-Pileser

The Annals of Sargon II

The Siloam Inscription

The Yavne-Yam Inscription

The Lachlish Letters

The Arad Ostraca

The Annals of Sennacherib

The Annals of Nebuchadnezzar II

More stolen material in the biblical books of Ezra and Nehemiah from:
The Cyli
nder of Cyrus

Jewish Mordecai stolen from the Babylonian God Marduk

Jewish Esther and the Jewish book of Esther was stolen from

Ishtar, aka Astaroth, Astarte, Ashtar.

The Jewish Virgin Mary "Queen of Heaven" was stolen from Astaroth

Jewish John the Baptist stolen from Anup, baptizer of Horus; both lost
their heads.

Jewish Judas was stolen from Set.

Jewish Matthew was stolen from Thoth

Jewish Thomas was stolen from Tammuz
"Like Jesus, the Greek God Hermes was also wrapped in swaddling clothing and
placed in a manger, as was Dionysus."
The Gentile Gods wound up in the grimoires of blasphemy.
This excerpt quote from the Catholic Encyclopedia is very revealing:
"In the same way the Greeks and Romans may have worshipped their divinities,
fondly believing them to be good. But the Christian Scriptures declare that all the
gods of the Gentiles are demons."
Catholic Encyclopedia: Devil Worship

No other people have ever been so conscious of ultimate primacy through
supernatural intervention. This has given them cohesion and courage to
persevere in the face of persecution and decimation. The conviction that every
jew will one day share in his divine destiny as a member of the world's ruling race
has made him proud and has enabled him to survive unassimilated among the
nations of the earth." "Included in the promised inheritance was a deliverer or messiah to bring about "the kingdom." This messiah would be either a temporal, human leader who with his armies would overthrow the enemies of Israel, or a supernatural being who would do likewise, establishing an "everlasting" Jewish kingdom as well. "The Jewish imperialism would thus come as the awaited deliverer destroyed the enemies and gave their booty to Israel. As Larson says, 'This Messiah shall bring judgment upon the Gentiles and they shall become the slaves of Judah..."

The above two paragraphs were excerpts taken from The Christ Conspiracy: The
Greatest Story Ever Sold by Acharya S.
1999 taken from pages 325 and 326
The purpose of the bible was:

To give the Jewish people a history they never had

To give the Jewish people a special status as the "Chosen of God"

To enable the Jewish people to advance in their quest for world domination.

To keep all occult, psychic and mind power under the control of
the Jews and disarm the gentile populations psychically

For the Jewish secret cabal to seize and direct as much psychic energy as
possible into the coming of their "messiah" who will unite the Jews and
rule the world. [This is the fictitious Christ,-the Jews themselves know Christ is fictitious - the "Temple of Solomon" and various other faces of the
same theme]. The Gentiles have been disarmed and force - fed a suicidal anti-
life philosophy with Christianity.

Because the multitude of characters, numbers, and stories were stolen and
altered from gentile sources, they are strong enough in the Gentile racial memory
to use as a powerful psychic tool for manipulation.

101 Myths of the Bible by Gary Greenburg
2000 pages 3 -24
Ibid, pages 11-13
Ibid, page 14
Ibid, page 17
Ibid, pages 43
Ibid, page 55
Ibid, pages 56
Ibid, page 9
Ibid, pages 68
Bible Myth
s and Their Parallels in Other Religions By T. W. Doane
chapter VIII "Samson and his Exploits" pages 62-76
101 Myths of the Bible, page 144
Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions,
page 51
The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Sto
ry Ever Sold by Acharya S.
page 244
101 Myths of the Bible pages 254-255
101 Myths of the Bible pages 258
101 Myths of the Bible pages 103
101 Myths of the Bible pages 103
104 pages 101, 102
Bible Myths And Their Parallels in Other
Religions page 39
Old Testament Parallels: Laws and Stories from the Ancient Near East by
Victor H. Matthews and Don C. Benjamin 1991 pages 235-240
101 Myths of the Bible pages 135-137
101 Myths of the Bible page 138
101 Myths of the Bible
page 175-179

101 Myths of the Bible pages 180
181; Old Testament Parallels pages 41
101 Myths of the Bible page 206
Old Testament Parallels pages 62
Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions pages 90
Old Testament Parallels
pages 201
Old Testament Parallels pages 184
Old Testament Parallels pages 77
Old Testament Parallels pages 85
Old Testament Parallels pages 109
101 Myths of the Bible page 292
101 Myths of the Bible pages 292
he Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold page 177
The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold page 171
The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold page 171
The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold page 172
The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold page 191
Other References:
Popular Dictionary of Assyrian and Babylonian Terminology by F. C. Norton
The Literature of Ancient Egypt: An Anthology of Stories, Instructions, and
Poetry, Edited by
William Kelly Simpson
Religions of the Ancient Near East Sumero-Akkadian Religious Texts and
Ugaritic Epics, Edited by Isaac Mendelsohn
The Ancient Near East Volume I, An Anthology of Texts and Pictures, Edited by
James Pritchard
Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions By T. W. Doane 1882