Then follows the Jew Abraham Pereira Mendez, and one of the main slave
dealers, Jacob Rod Rivera-the father-in-law of Aaron Lopez. And then there is
Aaron Lopez, himself, and many, many more other Jews. Although we have
considered Aaron Lopez several times, the size of this documented treatise limits
us, and we cannot describe all of the writers concerned in the Slavery Dealing
correspondence, their names and the special dates—rather, we wish to study the
documentation of the 'Carnegie Institute' itself— keeping Aaron Lopez in mind.
We wish to see what in the main this Jew was pursuing and what his business
was. This is due to the fact that Rabbi Morris A. Gutstein presents him as a "lofty
and fine civilian of Newport" who was so generous and even "made contributions
to welfare."
In a great number of published original unprejudiced writings in the Carnegie
Institute, we find that Aaron Lopez pursued a tremendous commerce in rum with
the African coast in exchange for slaves. These irrefutable facts are as follows:
June 22, 1764, a letter by Captain William Stead to Aaron
July 22, 1765, a letter by Aaron Lopez to Captain Nathaniel Briggs.
July 22, 1765, a letter to Captain Abraham All.
February 4, 1766, a letter to Captain William Stead by Aaron Lopez.
March 7, 1766, a letter by Captain William Stead to Aaron Lopez.
February 20, 1766, a letter by Aaron Lopez to Captain William Stead.
October 8, 1766, a letter by Captain William Stead to Aaron Lopez.
February 9, 1767, a letter by Captain William Stead to Aaron Lopez.
Aside from that, there are similar statements out of letters by Aaron Lopez in the
original, which he directed to the Captains Henry Cruger, David Mill, Henry
White, Thomas Dolbeare, and William Moore. Indeed, one letter by Captain
William Moore to Aaron Lopez & Company, is particularly revealing, and of
special mention at this point. We wish to remark on the main contents of this
letter in which Captain Moore writes: "I wish to advise you that your ship 'Ann'
docked here night before last with 112 slaves, consisting of 35 men, 16 large
youths, 21 small boys, 29 women, 2 grown girls, 9 small girls, and I assure you
this is such a one rum cargo (rum in exchange for slaves) which I have not yet
encountered, among the entire group there may be five to which one could take
The date of the above letter was November 27, 1773. We have not yet
concluded, because of lack of space, the excerpts and grateful compilations
made available by the "Carnegie Institute."
On November 29, 1767, the Jew Abraham Pereira Mendez—who had been
cheated by one of his kind—from Charleston, where he had journeyed to better
control his Black cargo, wrote Aaron Lopez at Newport:
"These Negroes, which Captain Abraham All delivered to me, were in such poor
condition due to the poor transportation, that I was forced to sell 8 boys and girls
for a mere 27 (pounds), 2 other for 45 (pounds) and two women each for 35
(pounds)." (No doubt, English money)Abraham Pereia Mendez was very angry
and accused Aaron Lopez of "cheating" him. This letter delineates to us that this
generous and fine citizen of Newport was insatiable in his greed for money.
This is what caused the Rabbi Morris A. Gutstein to present this nobleman,
Aaron Lopez, to pursue his objectionable methods. Negroes presented to him
but a commodity. In all of the letters which the "Carnegie Institute" published,
it stresses the lack of human sympathy for the poor Negro slaves. This lack of
feeling and compassion for the abused and pitiful Blacks at the hands of their
Jewish dealers, can be read out of the diary of a captain who manned a ship
owned by Aaron Lopez.
and accused Aaron Lopez of "cheating" him. This letter delineates to us that this
generous and fine citizen of Newport was insatiable in his greed for money.
This is what caused the Rabbi Morris A. Gutstein to present this nobleman,
Aaron Lopez, to pursue his objectionable methods. Negroes presented to him
but a commodity. In all of the letters which the "Carnegie Institute" published,
it stresses the lack of human sympathy for the poor Negro slaves. This lack of
feeling and compassion for the abused and pitiful Blacks at the hands of their
Jewish dealers, can be read out of the diary of a captain who manned a ship
owned by Aaron Lopez.
The entrees concern a trip from the African Coast to Charleston. Moreover, they
are authentic documents, published by the "Camegie Institute" in Washington,
D.C., calling attention to an organization which had heretofore known little or
nothing about; neither had they encountered further publicity in books or
newspapers. Therefore, it is not to be wondered at that the facts of the leading
share of American Jews in the slave trade could be pointed out as a monopoly,
andunknown to the non-Jewish Americans, including the great masses of people
all over the world. Others, however, acquainted with the facts, had good reason
to remain painfully quiet.
The captain of another ship, the "Othello" among other things, makes the
following entries in his diary:
February 6th: One man drowned in the process of loading.
March 18th: Two women went overboard because they had not been
locked up.
April 6th: One man dead with Flux. (No doubt an illness.)
April 13th: One woman dead with Flux.
May 7th: One man dead with Flux.
June 16th: One man dead by Kap Henry.
June 21st: One man dead by James Fluss.
July 5th: One woman dead with fever.
July 6th: One girl, sick for two months, died.
This vessel was on its way for five months. What terrible and unspeakable
suffering was the lot of these millions of Blacks, who were torn with brutal force
from their friendly African huts, jammed together, like animals below deck, and
then sold with less concern than selling a head of cattle. Small wonder that ten of
them died, being purchased for just a few dollars, and then sold for the sum of
Some Negroes managed, through insurrection, to gain control of one or another
ship and turned it around, with full sails, toward their African home. The crew of
one slave ship, "Three Friends" for instance, tortured their Black cargo in such a
manner that the Negroes reciprocated in a bloody rebellion. They killed the
captain and the entire crew and threw the dead overboard. They then sailed back
to Africa where they had barely escaped their hard-won freedom.