Those of us with higher intelligence take the time to study, do
our own research, and read. For some people, reading and studying the Hitler
is beyond their personal capabilities. I know how painstaking it can be for some to
turn off the Jew tube and take about an hour or so to read anything of value.

“The SS Family”is blatant proof of how the Third Reich was working towards
abolishing Christianity and returning to our original Pagan ways.
Now, as most of us know,“Satanism”is a collective label for all of the original
Pagan (Pagan means Gentile) religions before the coming of Judeo/Christianity,
which stole from and corrupted the stolen doctrines of these religions to conform
to the Jewish agenda.

Now, for those still too stupid and ignorant to see the light, the actions in Nazi
Germany speak volumes. Much of this can even be seen on your Jew-tube, or on
U-Tube here on the internet in video clips and documentaries. The swastika for
one is a powerful occult symbol. The red, white, and black are colors of Satan
which go all the way back to Ancient Egypt. All of the Nazi symbols such as the
runic SS lightning bolts are of Satan.

Now, as for the sex hang-ups some people still have-contrary to what
some of you still hold onto in trying to convince yourselves and this is also
supported by JEWISH programs intended to delude those of lesser intelligence
 into believing Nazi Germany had strict sexual mores, this is absolutely NOT true.

The SS had their own brothels all over the place. That’s right. For those of you
who are too stupid to know what a brothel is-it is a house of prostitution.
Prostitution was legal in Nazi Germany. Now, there is no way any sane person
could call this regime“Christian.

”In addition, there were also places where SS men and women and those of pure
German bloodlines would meet to have sex and have babies. There were
 hundreds of German babies born out of wedlock in the Third Reich. This was
 also considered an honor. This is quite the contrary of having to have a piece of
paper in order to have sex and children.

Pagan bonfires were also a constant component of Nazi rallies.
The Jews who have an average IQ of 135, which is borderline genius are
obviously not stupid. They call themselves“people of the book.

”I remember when I was at a mandatory Mensa orientation meeting, it took place
at the home of this Jewish couple and I was only one of three Gentiles out of
some 30-40 people there. The entire room was chock full of Jews. T
hey have been working overtime trying to divide and conquer our people any way
they can.