The following article is definitely worth a read. OF COURSE WE ARE TOTALLY
AGAINST ISLAM, as this is another Jewish program and those who unknowingly
are devoted to this lie are under the psychic control of the Jews, no different from
the Christians. But, the following article is well worth reading. The Jews are the
ones who should be paying reparations, of which they can very well afford:

Who Brought the Slaves to America?

By Walter White Jr., 1968
The story of the slaves in America begins with Christopher Columbus. His
voyage to America was not financed by Queen Isabella, but by Luis deSantangelo, who advanced the sum of 17,000 ducats (about 5,000 pounds-today equal to 50,000 pounds) to finance the voyage, which began on August 3, 1492.

Columbus was accompanied by five 'maranos' (Jewswho had foresworn their
religion and supposedly became Catholics), Luis de Torres, interpreter, Marco,
the surgeon, Bemal, the physician, Alonzo de la Calle and Gabriel Sanchez (1).
Gabriel Sanchez, abetted by the other four Jews, sold Columbus on the ide
a of capturing 500 Indians and selling them as slaves in Seville, Spain, which was
done. Columbus did not receive any of the money from the sale of the slaves, but
he became the victim of a conspiracy fostered by Bemal, the ship's doctor. He,
Columbus, suffered injustice and imprisonment as his reward. Betrayed by the
five maranos (Jews) whom he had trusted and helped. This, ironically, was the
beginning of slavery in the Americas (2).

The Jews were expelled from Spain on August 2, 1492, and from Portugal
in 1497. Many of these Jews emigrated to Holland, where they set up the Dutch
West Indies Company to exploit the new world.

In 1654, the first Jew, Jacob Barsimson, emigrated from Holland to New
Amsterdam (New York) and in the next decade many more follow
ed him, settlingalong the East Coast, principally in New Amsterdam and Newport, Rhode Island.
They were prevented by ordinances issued by Governor Peter Stuyvesant from
engaging in the domestic economy, so they quickly discovered that the territory
inhabited by the Indians would be a fertile field. There were no laws preventing
the Jews from trading with the Indians.

The first Jew to begin trading with the Indians was Hayman Levy, who imported
cheap glass beads, textiles, earrings, armbands and other cheap adornments
from Holland which were traded for valuable fur pelts. Hayman Levy was soon
joined by Jews Nicholas Lowe and Joseph Simon. Lowe conceived the idea of
trading rum and whiskey to the Indians and set up a distillery in Newport, where
these two liquors were produced. Within a short time there were 22 distilleries in
Newport, all of them owned by Jews, manufacturing and distributing 'firewater.'
The story of the debauching of the Indians with its resultant massacres of the
early settlers, is a dramatic story in itself.
It is essential to comprehend the seaport of Newport. It is important in order to
recognize the Jewish share in the Slave commerce. There was a period when it
was commonly referred to as 'The Jewish Newport-World center of Slave
Commerce.' All together, at this time, there were in North America six Jewish
communities: Newport, Charleston, New York, Philadelphia, Richmond, and
Savanuah. There were also many other Jews, scattered over the entire East
Coast. Although New York held first place in the settlers of Jews in North
America, Newport held second place.

New York was also the main source of Kosher meat, supplying the North
American settlements, then the West Indies and also South America. Now
Newport took over! Newport also became the great trade harbour of the East
Coast of North America. There, vessels from other ports met, to exchange
commodities. Newport, as previously mentioned, represented the foremost place
in the commerce of rum, whiskey, and liquor dealings. And to conclude,it finally
became the Main Center of Slave dealings. It was from this port that the ships left
on their way across the ocean, to gather their black human cargo and then derive
great sums of money in exchange for them.

An authentic, contemporary report, based on authority, indicates that of 128
Slave ships, for instance, unloaded in Charleston, within one year, their "Cargo,"
120 of these were undersigned by Jews from Newport and Charleston by their
own name. About the rest of them, one can surmise, although they were entered
as Boston (1), Norfolk (2), and Baltimore (4), their real owners were similarly the
Jewish slave dealers from Newport and Charleston.

One is able to assess the Jewish share in the entire dealings of the Newport, if
one considers the undertaking of a lone Jew, the Portuguese, Aaron Lopez, who
plays an important part in the over-all story of the Jews and Slavery.

Aaron Lopez
Concerning the entire commerce of the Colonies, and the later State of Rhode
Island, (which included Newport) bills of lading, concessions, receipts, and port
clearances carried the signature name of the Jew Aaron Lopez (3). This all took
place during the years 1726 to 1774. He had therefore more than 50% of all
dealings under his personal control for almost fifty years. Aside from that there
were other ships which he owned, but sailed under other names.

In the year 1749, the first Masonic Lodge was established. Ninety percent of the
members of this first lodge, fourteen all told, were Jews. And one knows that only
so-called "prominent" individuals were accepted. Twenty years later, the second
Masonic Lodge, "King David," was established. It is a fact that all of these
members were Jews.
In the meantime, the Jewish influence in Newport had reached such proportionst
hat President George Washington decided to pay them a visit. Upon his
appearance, both of the Masonic Lodges sent an emissary-a Jew named Moses
Seixas (4)-to approach the President with a petition, in which the Jews of
Newport stated: "If you will perm it the children of Abraham to approach you with
a request, to tell you that we honor you, and feel an alliance...... and then: "Until
the present time the valuable rights of a free citizen have been withheld.
However, now we see a new government coming into being based on the
Majesty of the people, a government, not sanctioning any bigotry nor persecution
of the Jew, rather, to concede the freedom of thought, which each shares,
whatever Nation or Language, as a part of the great Government machine."

It is necessary at this point to consider the disclosures as to who in reality
obtained this legendary freedom in America at the founding of the Union. To be
sure, the province became independent and severed from the English
Jurisdiction. However, we can see from the petition (5) which Moses Seixas
offered President Washington in the name of the Jews of Newport, that it was not
in reality this type of freedom which they had in mind. They were merely
concerned about themselves, and their "own civil rights," which had been
withheld. Therefore, following the Revolutionary War, the Jews were accorded
equal rights, and freed of all restrictions! And the Negroes? The Revolutionary
War not withstanding, they remained Slaves! In the year 1750, one sixth of the
population in New York was Negroid, and proportionately in the Southern parts of
the Country, they outnumbered the others, but the proclamation of Freedom did
not touch them. More of this later.

Let us scrutinize at close range this dismal handwork of the Jews which
gave them influence and power, so we may comprehend the Slave Trade; for there
has been so much written since that time by the zealous Jewish writers, that at
the present, long since removed, it might appear natural, for the time element
has a tendency to make things nebulous.

Let us follow the journey of one ship, owned by a slave dealer, Aaron Lopez,
which had made many trips to the African coast.
For instance, in the month of May, 1752, the ship "Abigail" was equipped with
about 9,000 gallons of rum, a great supply of iron foot and hand restraints,
pistols, powder, sabres, and a lot of worthless tin ornaments, and under the
command of the Jewish Captain Freedman, sailed off for Africa. There were but
two Mates and six sailors comprising the crew.