Satan does indeed HATE the Jewish people intensely. He has made this very
blatant to his closest disciples. The following are direct quotes from Jewish rabbis
and other religious Jews, including some Christian quotes at the end of the page.
This is pretty obvious.

Rabbinical quotes about Satan:

[A few Christian quotes are included towards the end of the page]
"Those who use the Holocaust to justify either their atheism or their tendency to
devalue the authority of the Jewish Bible should remember that Satan, not G-d, is
the author of Nazism and anti-Semitism."


The term 'anti-Semitism' was coined in 1879 by a German journalist WilhelmMarr to designate anti-Jewish campaigns then appearing throughout Europe.
Since that time, the term has been universally applied to any form of behavior or
literature which evidences hostility toward the Jews. With every fiber of his
depraved, sinister being, Satan despises the Jews. He hates them with a perfect
hatred, and his demented nature is revealed in his treatment of the Jewish
people. This hatred is a reflection of his hatred for God [as Jews are God's
chosen people]. Their total destruction is his goal. He is the author of the spirit
of anti-Semitism.

He has tried to persecute God's people, the Jews, in order to eliminate them so
that the promised seed of Genesis 3:15, Yeshua, would not be born, and
mankind would not be redeemed. The Book of Esther details how the enemy of
God and his people tried to eliminate the Jewish race, but God raised up Esther
for "such a time as this" to deliver her race. King Herod tried to eliminate Yeshua
by having all the male babies in Bethlehem under two years of age killed.
In our generation the Holocaust is ever mindful of Hitler's outrage against millions
of Jews, while Stalin's killing of thirty million Jews goes hardly mentioned. Today,
one out of every five people in the world is committed to the death of the Jews.
Islam requires the death of the Jews."

"Therefore, Satan is desperately trying to stop the return of the Messiah. That is
why Satan is doing all he can to destroy the Jewish people. At the same time he
is trying to make faith in Yeshua so alien and repugnant that no self-respecting
Jew, let alone the nation, would ever desire to repent and trust in Him! Every
congregation of believers in Yeshua, Jewish or Gentile, which doesn't endeavor
to bring the Good News to the Jewish people, is actually playing into the present
plan of Satan: stop Israel from recognizing their Messiah, Satan's destroyer, so
Messiah can't return."

In this century, Satan has fanned the flames of hatred against the Jews by using
Muslims worldwide in his attempt to stop God's Plan which will see Jesus Christ
returning to the Mount of Olives. If there is no Jewish Israel, Satan has reasoned
that God's Word would be a lie, God's Plan would fail, and he could then

"Where did Anti-Semitism come from? What is the real cause of this evil thought?
The answer is very plain. It comes from the devil. Did you know that the first time
the devil is mentioned by the name "Satan
" is when he acts against Israel?
"And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel." [I
Chronicles 21:1]
Satan is the one who is the cause of all the persecution and suffering of Israel.
Satan hates the nation through whom so much blessing has come to the world,
especially Messiah Jesus. When the devil is angry against Israel, it always ends
in his defiance against the Messiah and Saviour, Yeshua ha Meshiach.
From Pharaoh, the first anti-Semite on record, to Amalek, Haman, then to the
King of Syria in 168 B.C., to the Roman War in 66-70 A.D., Satan was the
moving factor in Jewish persecution and bloodshed. Through the Crusades, the
Spanish Inquisition, the Russian pogroms and the Nazi holocaust you read the
history of what Satan has done through men against my Jewish people.
But there is coming a day when the fierce attacks against the nation of Israel will
come to an end. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will fight against those
who have persecuted the Jew. Then Satan will have his
final attack on Israel and God will cast him into the Lake of Fire as prophesied."

"The Arab nations will still be bent on the destruction of that tiny nation in the
Middle East. There will still be hatred of Jews and a determination to annihilate
them. The source of the hatred [ha satan, in English: satan] will still be very much
alive, and will most likely be more active than ever as he sees his time growing
short. The deceiver will still be busy at work convincing pastors and unsuspecting
believers around the world that the Israelis are brutal aggressors who kill
innocent Palestinian children. The media is a great asset to satan. People
believe the lies they read in the press and Israel gets another black eye."

"There should be no more fighting over the land, but because of man’s carnality
and because satan hates the Jewish people because of this covenant, the war
rages on. It will continue to do so until Yahshua, the Holy One of Israel returns to
set up His earthly Kingdom from the Holy City of Jerusalem!"

"Since 1948 there have been several times when Israel had to close it’s borders
to tourists. Having dealt with people engaged in hundreds of tours to Israel there
has never been an incident of a tourist being hurt
or killed by terrorists. If you plan to go to the Holy Land you can count on the following: Satan will begin,about 30 days before you are to depart, to try and cause a major incident or to create a climate of fear to keep you from going to Israel."

"Anti-Israel designs of any description are demonic. Satan has hated God’s
chosen people from the moment Abraham was called. This occurred many years
preceding the name of“Israel”being given to Jacob as he wrestled with God. It
was all part of the seed of woman and the promise of the Messiah."

"Considering the above, we will understand why Satan hates the "sound of the
Shofar" for It will clearly deliver the message that he is, and has been defeated
by the shed blood of the Lamb of God! The very sound of the Shofar makes
Satan despise our praise and worship unto the Lord. He hates those who have
repented of their sins and follow the Lord Y’Shua. He hates "Ha Davar-The
Word" and He who is the Word. He cannot tolerate those that do battle in Y’Shua’s Name. He hates to be reminded that Y’Shua was resurrected from the
dead three days and three nights after He gave His life, defeating that evil one.
Satan hates the State of Israel, for were the Jewish people still in the Diaspora and Israel not been re-established, the Lord Y’Shua cannot return. Also, Satan
hates to hear about his final doom."

"You need to know and understand that Satan hates the Jewish people. Through
promises made to Abraham and his seed, God would bring forth into the earth
the revelation of Himself and His redemption to humanity. Satan hates the seed
of Abraham. Satan hates the Jew. Jesus was a Jew."

So if God loves the Jewish people, why are they slandered and maligned? The
evil of this deed lies far below the darkest depths of the most corrupt human
heart. It is an insidious hatred that Satan has for the Jewish people. First, Satan
hates God, so it is natural that he would hate the focus of God's attention. It is
natural for him to want to destroy them because he wants to hurt God. He wants
to make God look impotent. After all, if the Almighty God can't protect His people
then what is the guarantee that He can protect anyone? But it is a miracle that
the Jewish people are still around today. They are a true testament to God's
divine protection."


"Satan hates the Jews with a passion because they gave the world both the Bible
and the Messiah. He also hates the promises that God has made to save a great
remnant of the Jews in the end

"Satan is determined to destroy the Jewish people so that God cannot keep His
promise to bring a remnant to salvation. This is the reason that Satan is
orchestrating all the nations of the earth against Israel today. God has raised up
a nation that Satan, as the prince of this world, is determined to destroy.""Jerusalem Forever"Concerning Islam, Israel, Teaching-The root reason why Israel's enemies oppose Israel with such intensity is because they hate God.[see verse 2 above] Satan hates God and His pla
n for earth centered in Jerusalem and the Jewish people. This is not intended to be hateful, the truth is quite often painful, but after it is revealed to us we have an opportunity to be free from satanic deception that leads us to oppose the Only True God , who is the God of Israel."
alemForever/"IV. Roots of Anti-Semitism in the Church A plot to undermine this "one new man" concept was systematically introduced as one of the primary schemes of the devil. Satan hates Israel because she brought forth the Redeemer of mankind. He especially hates the saved remnant of Israel because they maintain a testimony of true Jewish identity in Yeshua.

[Rev. 12:17] Since Satan's schemes are thwarted by the power of Yeshua's
blood, and believers are called to walk in the humility of that fact, the enemy's
entrée into the Christian's life is througharrogance and pride. Perhaps the
exclusivity of the Messianic Jews caused a negative reaction among Gentile
believers, but there were early signs in the Church of arrogance toward the
Messianic Jewish community. Paul addressed this arrogant attitude in his
letter to the Romans."

Ultimately, the source of anti-Semitism lies with Satan himself. He hates God,
and he is and always has been committed to the destruction of what God loves
and desires. As God's chosen covenant people, Jews are at the bull's-eye of this
hatred. Satan also knows that the restoration of the Jewish people plays a central
role in the return of the Messiah. Thus, he is committed at all costs to preventing
this. Jewish theology can't explain the Holocaust--and actually the "why" of it is
part of the larger question, Why is there evil and suffering in the world if God is a
God of love? The question is perplexing even to the most solid believer."
m/a.php?ArticleID=6590 Satanic Origins Of AntiSemitism:
"Even worse, it attributes Satan's unholy, malicious and vengeful actions to a
holy and righteous God. When God judges His own people, His ultimate purpose
is not retribution but restoration. His intention is not to destroy but to heal, not
merely to punish but ultimately to purify from sin. Satan, on the other hand, is the
destroyer. He enjoys inflicting horror and suffering on God's people with the
ultimate intention of annihilation. God has staked His reputation on the
preservation and the ultimate restoration of the Jewish people. Satan therefore
aspires to destroy the Jews, in order to nullify God's promises and make Him out
to be a liar."