The following are excerpts from the "White Man’s Bible" and "Nature's Eternal
Religion" both written by Ben Klassen. Though written from an atheist

perspective, one can readily see truths concerning the hoax of Christianity. The
trouble is, atheists are unaware of psychic powers and how they can be used to
make people fall for this lie:

About 100 B.C. a small Jewish sect, called the Essenes, originated around the
area of the Dead Sea. This sect promoted ideas of self-debasement that were
highly suicidal to those who embraced this creed. Toward the end of the first
century C.E. this teaching evolved into Christianity, but still a purely Jewish cult.
It was regarded as a subversive and destructive movement by the mainstream of
the Jewish leaders and was opposed and persecuted by them. Among the
persecutors of the Christian cult was one Saul of Tarsus, a Jew, who later
became Christianity’s St. Paul. One day while persecuting (Jewish) Christians,
he conceived the brilliant idea of humbling and destroying the mighty Roman
Empire by selling this suicidal creed, Christianity, to the Gentiles.

This idea was the most significant turning point in history. No plague, series of
plagues, wars, or disasters during the next two thousand years has wreaked
more horrible calamity on the White Race of the world than what happened next.
So well did Saul of Tarsus do his job that he was soon joined and backed by the
entire Jewish network in selling these suicidal teachings to the Romans. The
Jews went about it with a vengeance, feeding the Romans such idiotic and self
destructive ideas as“love your enemies”“turn the other cheek,“sell all thouhast and give it to the poor”,resist not evil”“judge not”and much other suicidal advice.

Christ Never Existed.
Jesus Christ did not invent or found Christianity. All evidence that can be
gleaned from a scholarly examination of authentic history points to an obvious conclusion:

there never was any Jesus Christ roaming about in 30 A.D. or thereabouts
teaching a new religion. The whole story was invented and concocted much later.
It was patched together out of fables, myths, bits and pieces of other religions,
until finally they had a movement going that pulled in the Roman Emperor
Constantine. It was this Roman Emperor, who had the mind of a criminal, (he
murdered his own wife and son, and thousands of others) who in the year 313
A.D. really put Christianity into business. The Romans, who had always been
extremely tolerant to all religions, were now told by an edict of Emperor
Constantine that Christianity was now the supreme religion of the empire to the
exclusion of all others. The beginning of the Christian era found Rome near the
height of her civilization. Her supremacy, in the then known world, was pretty
much unchallenged and it was the beginning of a long period of peace. To be
specific, Pax Romana (Roman Peace) lasted approximately 200 years beginning
with the reign of Caesar Augustus. Rome was highly literate, there were many
great writers, scholars, historians, sculptors and painters, not to mention other
outstanding men of philosophy and learning.

Yet it is highly strange that despite the great commotion and fanfare that
supposedly heralded the birth of Christ and also his crucifixion (according to the
bible), we find not a single historian nor a single writer of the era who found
time to tale note of it in their writings. Outside of the fabricated biblical writings, no
Roman historian, no Roman writer, and no Roman play-writer, has left the
slightest hint that he had the faintest awareness that this supposedly greatest of
all greats was in their very midst and preaching what is claimed the greatest of all
the new gospels.

Whereas Caesar left voluminous writings that are still extant today and can be
studied by our high school boys and girls, Christ himself, who had supposedly
the greatest message to deliver to posterity that the world has ever known, left
not the slightest scrap of paper on which he had written a single word. This, in
fact, the biblical literature itself confirms and mentions only that once he did write
in the sand.

Today we can still study Cicero;s great orations and writings. He has
left over 800 letters behind that we can study to this day. We can study whole
books of what Marcus Aurelius wrote, we can study what Aristotle wrote, what
Plato wrote, and scores of others wrote that were contemporary with the first
beginning of the Christian era, or preceded it. But strangely there is not a word
that is in writing that can be attributed to Jesus Christ himself.

Furthermore, the Greeks and the Romans of that era, and even previously and
afterwards, had developed the art of sculpturing to a fine state. We can find busts
of Cicero, of Caesar, Of Marcus Aurelius and innumerable other Greek and
Roman dignitaries and lesser lights, but nor one seemed to think it important
enough to sculpture a likeness of Jesus Christ. And the reason undoubtedly is
there was none to model at the time. There were undoubtedly numerous skilled
artists and painters at that time, but again strangely enough none took the time or
the interest to paint a likeness of this purportedly greatest of all teachers, who in
fact was proclaimed the "Son of God" come to earth. But no painting was ever
made of this man, who, we are told, gathered great multitudes around him and
caused great consternation and fear even to King Herod of Judea himself.
Now all of this is very, very strange, when, if, as the Bible claims, the birth of
Jesus Christ was ushered in with great fanfare and great proclamations. Angels
proclaimed his birth. An exceedingly bright star pointed to his place of birth. In
Matthew 2:3, it says, "When Herod, the king, had heard of these things he was
troubled and all Jerusalem with him."

 We can hardly gather from this that no one was aware of the fact that the King of the Jews, the great Messiah,was born, for we are told in the preceding verse that the Wise Men came to King Herod himself saying, "Where is he that is born King of the Jews, for we have seen his star in the East and we are come to worship him." Evidently the event was even lit up with a bright star from heaven. In any case, King Herod, we are told in Matthew 3, was so worried that he sent the Wise Men to Bethlehem to search diligently for the young child to bring it to him so he undoubtedly could have him put to death.

As the story further unfolds, we learn that Joseph heard of this and quietly
slipped out in the night taking with him his wife, the young child and a donkey
and departed for Egypt. When Herod found out that he had been tricked it says
that he "was exceedingly wroth and sent forth and slew all children that were in
Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under." Now this
is a tremendously drastic act for a King to take, that is, to have murdered all the
children in the land that were under two years of age. Again we can hardly say
that the birth of Jesus was unheralded, unannounced and unobserved, according
to the story in the bible. However, it is very, very strange that this act of Herod, as
drastic and criminally harsh as it is, is nowhere else recorded in the histories or
writings of any of the other numerous writers of the times. All we have is the
claims of those people who wrote the New Testament. In fact, whoever wrote the
New Testament invented so many claims that are inconsistent with the
facts that they even made a rather glaring error by pulling King Herod into the

 History tells us that in the year 1 C.E. When Christ was supposedly born, Herod
had already been dead for four years. He could hardly been disturbed or very
wroth about the birth of anybody in the year 1 C.E. There is further great evidence
that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John never wrote any of those chapters that are
supposedly attributed to them. What historical evidence can be dug up reveals
 that they were written much later, not at the time that Jesus supposedly said all
those things, but somewhere around 30 to 50 years later by a person or persons
unknown. Furthermore, when we compare the first four books of the gospel with
each other, which supposedly tell more or less the same story, we find that they
 contradict each other in so many details that one need only read them for himself
 to pick them out. I neither have the time, the space, not the inclination to go into
 all these contradictions.

 They are too numerous.
Still No Bible at 300 C.E.
At this time the Christian movement, although purportedly nearly 300 years old,
still did not have a written text or“Bible.”
Under the powerful and dictatorial direction of Emperor Constantine a convocation
of church fathers was called at Nicaea, a town in Asia Minor. At this meeting a
 number of scripts and writings were dragged together and a heated controversy
ensued over a period of several months. Many writings were considered,
discussed, argued over, and reviewed.

Some were revised, some were rewritten, some were rejected. The final package
that emerged from the Council of Nicaea was what was called the New
Testament, a contradictory, demented conglomeration of far-out nonsense. To it
was patched the Jewish“Old Testament.

The Christian movement now had a“Bible,”with Constantine as final arbiter.
When the gathered bishops would or could not agree, he would threaten to bring
in his army, which was standing by outside, to enforce compliance. Ready to
Crush All Opposition. Constantine exercised the full powers of his position,
financially, militarily and in terms of legal enforcement to now promote
Christianity and crush all opposition. Christianity was now on its way.