Jews Supreme Racists.
Whereas all this race-mixing propaganda is aimed at the [Gentiles], the Jews
push a completely opposite line to their own people. The Jews being yellow
Semites, being racially aware and fanatically loyal to their own, preach racial
aloofness to their own people. Through their synagogues, through their own
Jewish press, through the thousands of exclusively Jewish organizations they
warn strongly against inter-racial marriages, against inter-faith marriages.

No Race-Mixing for Jews.
In short, the Jew, while viciously promoting the bastardization of the White Race,
fervidly guards his own against it. In Israel anyone not born of a Jewish mother is
a goy, a non-Jew, an outsider, and can’t be married or buried in Israel, nor can
they become a citizen or enjoy any of the other civil rights of a born Jew. Racial
solidarity is the order of the day, whether a Jew lives in Israel or anywhere else in
the world.

Mind police.
Since the Jews for the last several thousand years have been carrying on the
most vicious conspiracy in history, namely the destruction and take-over of all
other peoples—they have been fanatic to the point of being paranoid about
spying and gathering information on their enemies. And this is understandable.
Since the hideous crime they are perpetrating is all based on secrecy and deceit,
holding the lid on their conspiracy is a highly precarious business. So they
frantically enter into all kinds of devices, spy organizations and means of
gathering intelligence that would stagger the limits of the Gentile mind. The Jews
not only want to know what their enemies (everybody is their enemy) are doing,
they also want to know what they might be planning. In fact, as far as is possible
they want to know what everybody is thinking before such thinking might be
translated into action.

The A.D.L.
The A.D.L., short for Anti-Defamation League, is in America. Ostensibly, it
pretends to safeguard Jewish interests and prevent the spread of“anti-Semitism.
”Why the Jews should find this necessary when the English, the
Germans, the Italians or other ethnic groups find such safeguards unnecessary,
they have never explained. But in reality the A.D.L. is much, much more than
that. Presumably an offshoot of the Jewish B’nai B’rith, it is really the main
powerhouse of this Jewish outfit. In reality it is a powerful, well financed spy
operation inside our own borders that not only gathers information on politicians,
civic organizations, diverse individuals, but on anything and everything that they
so much as even suspect might blow the lid on the Jewish conspiracy. They have
huge files and electronic computers that rival the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. itself, and
any information the F.B.I. or C.I.A. might have that is considered useful to
the A.D.L. is readily fed to the latter
Censorship Operation.
The A.D.L.’s activities extend much further. They are extremely active in
politics—promoting those useful to the Jews and destroying those that might be
deemed uncooperative. They also monitor all books, magazines, newspapers, a
ll news media, movements or whatever—anything that might effect the Jewish
conspiracy—and this includes just about everything of any significance that
happens in this country.

Plant Propaganda.
They aggressively invent, if necessary, news stories and plant them into the
mainstream of the news media—T.V., newspapers, etc. They not only publish a
great number of articles for dissemination, but they also publish a large number
of books that are either favorable to Israel and the Jews or viciously attack their
