There is this Jewish tool called“Christian Identity.
”Like other Jewish programs such as the Christian religion, this element takes hold readily and firmly in the minds of those with lesser intelligence. The ADL further plays the game of creating mock enemies and wars to confuse those who have already fallen for this shit. Aryan Nations and other organizations who are either cooperating and working with the ADL or just plain stupid and taken in by their Jesus scam aregiven plenty of publicity and notoriety on the ADL and other Jewish websites, documentaries, books and so forth. What this does, it reinforces the lies, and draws more vulnerable people to these organizations who preach Christianity,advocate“going underground”
or heading for the hills to hide out in some commune.
Ok, for those with double digit IQ’s who fall for this Jewish strategy which is very
clever,“going underground” accomplishes much in damning not only ourselves,
but our entire agenda and race. First off, people who go underground are doing a
great service for and are a terrific help to the Jews and their agenda.
Underground is not being seen or heard from. They hide. This greatly helps the
Jewish press and media. They can dictate any fucking thing they please about
Nazism, Satanism; anything Gentile, and they have no competition whatsoever.
The Catholic Church, after mass-murdering millions upon millions of innocent
human beings, mostly of whom were white, freely force fed lies for centuries with
no confrontation or opposition whatsoever. Not seen, not heard, and the enemy
openly advances without being impeded in any way.
Heading for the hills and hiding out in a commune such as the now defunct Aryan
Nations is also a great help. Any buzzard-brained idiot who thinks the Jews and
ZOG doesn’t keep tabs on these places has their head up their ass! That’s right.
Run for the hills, hide out, stockpile arms, and a huge cache of weapons, and
wait for the big race war and let‘er rip. I don’t think so.
Again, these people are taken in on another scam. Big Brother knows exactly
where they are, their approximate strength and number, and given their
vulnerability, most of these places have their Jewish infiltrators. Wait it out, they
know where they are and when the time comes, the national guard or whatever
can march right in, gas them out and kill them all while everyone in the cities-
where these people should be, are being destroyed because they do not know
what is really happening and those who have an idea are hiding in the hills.
Our people who are dedicated should be educating our race about what is going
on and organizing them, not hiding under a rock or dug out in the hills!!
Keeping our people small in numbers, advocating us being not heard from or
seen and this helps the enemy more than anyone could imagine.
Another thing I would like to mention is again based upon a lower level of
intelligence. Many of these deluded Christian identity fools do not have the
intelligence to discern why the Jews are working to destroy Christianity and so
are Satanists. There is this problem on most legitimate IQ tests of being able to
discern this sort of situation. Christianity is and always has been a Jewish tool for
both total control and to remove spiritual/occult knowledge from the Gentile
populace. The Jews themselves know“Jesus” is a lie and a fictitious character
for the‘goyim.
’Christianity is a stepping off point for Jewish communism.
For those who still cannot get this-Christianity, because it is not only a lie, but
also a stupid one at that, leads to atheism. True atheism is belief only in the
material world with removal of all spiritual/occult knowledge. This knowledge is
then kept in the hands of the Jews so they have total control and they
themselves as a collective whole, especially at the top become“God.
”The bible with the fictitious Jewish Nazarene and all the fictitious Jewish
patriarchs and heroes is a very powerful subliminal tool in priming susceptible
Gentiles into accepting Jewish masters.
patriarchs and heroes is a very powerful subliminal tool in priming susceptible
Gentiles into accepting Jewish masters.
Here is an analogy- take an individual who has two enemies who wish to destroy
him. Just because both wish to destroy him does not in any way make them
friends, allies, or working in collusion.
It is obvious why Satan wants the Christian religion destroyed. To sum it all up-
yes, both Satanists and Jews work for the destruction of Christianity, BUT FOR
Satanists want it gone because it is not only a LIE, but a blasphemy to our True
Creator and is a mass murdering machine which is an extreme detriment to
humanity. The Jews want it gone because it has pretty much done its job by
removing all occult knowledge, which is their power, and they wish to institute
communism. The majority of Gentiles now are without spiritual knowledge and
powerless. These are two totally and opposite agendas which have nothing
whatsoever to do with each other. Unfortunately, those who have a low level of
intelligence can not get this.
How many of our NS brethren have been the target of Jewish black magick? This
is and has been one of the reasons why the Jews have been so over-confident
and in control for as long as they have. They throw a curse and those who do not
have this knowledge or power are defenseless against it. Many NS brothers and
sisters have been assassinated such as George Lincoln Rockwell; have wound
up serving hard time in prison over false charges such as Dr. Matt Hale and there
are thousands more. The only thing the Jews really feared was the Third Reich of
whom the top leaders were all Satanists. I also might add, the top Nazi leaders
all had genius (above 135) IQ's. That’s right.
Again, for the double digit IQ’s and lazy assholes who spout off at the
mouth about what they know nothing of and try to convince others as if it were
fact and aid the enemy, I can tell you -NAZI GERMANY WAS NOT CHRISTIAN
fact and aid the enemy, I can tell you -NAZI GERMANY WAS NOT CHRISTIAN