Jews firmly in control of largest Slave Labor Camp in the world.
Today, more than sixty years later, the Jews are still in firm control, having
established the most fiendish and brutal slave-labor camp in the world.
The Jewish Encyclopedia cites long lists of cities and areas in which pogroms,
expulsions and massacres occurred, but the list of events is too massive to
record here.
Jews Betrayed Spain to Arab Invaders.
Jews entered Spain as early as the 6th century B.C., coming in with the
Phoenician traders. From 612 A.D. a relentless warfare ensued between the
natives and the Jews, marked by sporadic outbreaks and massacres. The Jews
helped the Arabs invade Spain in 711 by betrayals from within. For several
centuries the Jews prospered under the Arabs and Spain became the foremost
Jewish center of that time. In the Christian part of Spain Jews became tax
collectors and“court Jews,”and soon controlled both the government and the
economy. The infestation became so flagrant (20-25% of the population
were Jews) and so oppressive the Spaniards reacted.
Moslems Expelled Jews.
In Granada in 1066 while still under Moslem rule the Jews were attacked and
expelled. The Jewish community re-established itself but was again uprooted by
the Almohades (Moslem) invasion in 1148 and Jews were either expelled or
converted to the Moslem religion. In Cordova Jews were also expelled or
converted by the Almohades in 1147.
Marranos False Christians.
In the Christian part of Spain a wave of massacres against the Jews swept the
country in 1391, especially in Cordova, Granada, Segovia and Seville, and many
of them became baptized Marranos, openly professing Christianity, but remaining
secret Jews at heart, loyal to the Jewish race and religion.
Sought Control of Catholic Church.
Soon these false Christians began acquiring control of the Catholic Church itself.
Along with the real Jews, they now controlled the church, the government and
the economy, and dissolution, turmoil and rot ensued.
Spaniards institute the Inquisition.
When the Spaniards again woke up to the fact that the Jews were the cause of
their misery, they again reacted. Under the leadership of Ferdinand and Isabella
the Inquisition was instituted to ferret out the disguised Jews parading as
Christians (known as Marranos). This process went on simultaneously while the
Spaniards were fighting an all-out war to drive the Mohammedan Moors out of
Spain. In this war the Marranos and the Jews were perpetually betraying the
Christians in favor of the Moors. Further massacres of the Jews broke out
sporadically in many cities.
Spain Expels Moors, Jews in 1492.
Finally, in 1492, after ten years of warfare, Ferdinand and Isabella succeeded in
driving out the Moors and uniting Spain. (We devote a whole chapter to this
dramatic episode in history in our earlier book, NATURE’S ETERNAL
RELIGION.) That same year they decreed that all Jews were to get out of Spain
by August 1st. This was carried out with resolution and determination,
culminating in the largest mass expulsion of Jews up to that time. Having rid
herself of the Jews, the history of Spain then blossomed into what is known as its
Golden Age. For the next three centuries Spain prospered. She was the leader in
colonization and worldwide expansion in the New World, the Philippines and
Stranglehold On Spain.
However, the tenacious Jews marked Spain for economic strangulation and
revenge. By the 1930’s they were powerful enough to tear Spain apart again.
They fomented and instigated a terribly destructive fratricidal Civil War that left
Spain in shambles. With the help of Hitler and Mussolini that war was
successfully resolved against the Jewish communists with Franco heading the
new Fascist government.
* * * * *
Jewish Menace Old As History.
From the foregoing short history of the Jews we have overwhelming evidence
that the Jewish problem was not invented by Adolf Hitler in the 20th century, but
on the contrary that the Jews have been a vicious parasite on the backs of
civilizations for thousands of years.